Sick Boy 82
Super Freak
Does anyone know what that Travel the Solar System game is?? I wanna play it bad!!!!

I just needed a good reason to play through Drakes again.![]()
they are just plain trophies no unique badge etc like xbox
Well, the planet would be the icon we usually see on the Xbox and the trophy has to do with the value of it. So all the games will have different lots of badges.icon for each trphy you unlock.
But does anyoen know what that game is?????? Please help me!!!!! I love space stuff!!!!
Well, the planet would be the icon we usually see on the Xbox and the trophy has to do with the value of it.
But does anyoen know what that game is?????? Please help me!!!!! I love space stuff!!!!
All I can do is laugh.
I *just* got a working PS3 two days ago. I'm so glad I didn't download the update.
Have previous Sony systems been this bad?
I had no problems what so ever, it's all user error IMO.
I am sure that is it...that is why Sony pulled the update.
Must be, mine running like butter.
So poor programing not warning you that something is running or you are signed in. Seriously thats a VERY BIG programing mistake if those can cause serious issues update. Its not even complicated to have a window saying your logged in or this is running continuing is not recommended. Its not like the programmers dont have access to ALL code for the OS to make the warnings.Telling you it's the users doing it. there's no rhyme to the pattern all different ones anywhere are "bricking"...but I don't think many are.
People don't sign out in order to update...they just go right to update or have something running, something on there system, it's the people...not the update.
If it were the update everyone's would have bricked. If it's the people only some will have...