Playstation 3 Thread

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So, did anyone else's PS3 die a horrible death not long after the last system update was applied?:mad:
I know Kain's did as well.:(

And of course, it was 2 weeks out of warranty. $150 down the drain.

Day 18 with no PS3 (BluRay player, DVD player, COD pusher). :monkey2
Man that sucks, I feel so bad for all of you. Mine was giving me fits shortly after I bought it in January of 08. (some of you might remember me whining on this very board about it) When I finally convinced them to take it back, I was without a PS3 (which is my primary BD and DVD player) about two weeks just to get it back with no repairs done. The second time (after I explained many times over how it was exhibiting the same problem) I returned it, they gave me a new one.

I really do not envy you guys that are going to have to pay for that type of "service."

After reading these last couple posts, I'm afraid to turn the thing on. :horror But LOTR: Conquest is waiting...
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guys kinda got me worried about my system. I think I tried it out early this week or late last week to install the expansion pack for Final Fantasy 11 and it did everything alright. But now after reading more posts Im thinking somethign might go wrong. Would hate to lose the 60gb system, cause I on occasion play my PS2 games in the living room.
guys kinda got me worried about my system. I think I tried it out early this week or late last week to install the expansion pack for Final Fantasy 11 and it did everything alright. But now after reading more posts Im thinking somethign might go wrong. Would hate to lose the 60gb system, cause I on occasion play my PS2 games in the living room.

i know it sucks not to be able to play your ps2 games on the ps3. i had to sell over 25 games cuz i had to trade in my 60 gig for an 80 gig one, i hate not being able to play metal gears 2 & 3, shadow of the collossus and ICO, which i kept btw.
guys kinda got me worried about my system. I think I tried it out early this week or late last week to install the expansion pack for Final Fantasy 11 and it did everything alright. But now after reading more posts Im thinking somethign might go wrong. Would hate to lose the 60gb system, cause I on occasion play my PS2 games in the living room.

Right! So right now I have about 40 useless PS2 games sitting on my shelf.
Did they replace the 60gb with something newer? I would call them and say you will replace it like I had.
After reading all that i just wanted to say my story...Well after updating my system with 2.53 new firmware all were going good ( unfortunately for 10 days ) !!! then the yellow light of death strike my Ps 3 , i bought the Ps3 ( 40 gb ) at 27th of December 2007 , the yellow light came at 3rd January of 2009 , the warranty already expired 6 days ! I made contact with Sony and they told me that they don`t care why the system froze or if someone did it they just told me that i have to pay 300 €.. in dollars 399.959 $ not to fix i but to make a replacement !!! I don`t know if anyone`s story is familiar with mine`s but i think Sony must check these issues more closely. Thank God i have a very good friend of mine who knows the general manager in the replacements and they made a replacement for me without paying nothing but i wonder if anyone isn`t so lucky like i was he must pay the price that they ask for a malfunction that he didn`t cause to his system !!! it S***s!!!!!!
Glad I didn't DL the latest update yet. Nice job Sony. You break people's systems and then tell them to get bent.
we are Legion.

Glad I didn't DL the latest update yet. Nice job Sony. You break people's systems and then tell them to get bent.

Yup that's what they are basically doing to everyone that it does it to. Funny thing almost everyone's system has broke in a week after the warranty runs out
Sucks to be a PS3 owner.:monkey2

And to think I was almost going to buy one this tax season.:rolleyes: I'm buying an Alienware M17X Laptop instead.:D

Please don't. 4 years ago, I got an Alienware laptop and in the first year, it had to go back on four different occasions due to crappy parts...and it still doesn't run correctly.

And as far as their customer's pretty much nonexsistent.