Playstation 3 Thread

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Please don't. 4 years ago, I got an Alienware laptop and in the first year, it had to go back on four different occasions due to crappy parts...and it still doesn't run correctly.

And as far as their customer's pretty much nonexsistent.

That's the first I heard of that.:confused:
That's the first I heard of that.:confused:

From what I recall when I got it, Reseller Ratings gave them a horrible score because of bad machines and bad service.

Althoguh things may have changed since Dell took over.

It's cool if you still go with them, but please just go into it with your eyes wide open. And you may want an extended warranty.

Got my PS3 back today and much to my surprise they didn't just send me a refurb'd system. I got mine back, as it still has all my save games on it.
From what I recall when I got it, Reseller Ratings gave them a horrible score because of bad machines and bad service.

Althoguh things may have changed since Dell took over.

It's cool if you still go with them, but please just go into it with your eyes wide open. And you may want an extended warranty.


Well I do appreciate the warning and the warranty is something I WILL get for sure.But I have heard a lot of good things about their newer models and service.The only bad thing I've heard is that their machines are a bit bulky and slightly over priced.
Got my PS3 back today and much to my surprise they didn't just send me a refurb'd system. I got mine back, as it still has all my save games on it.

I gave mine a good workout yesterday I watched Iron Man, Hellboy 2, and then finally finished Resistance and started on Resistance 2.
Well I do appreciate the warning and the warranty is something I WILL get for sure.But I have heard a lot of good things about their newer models and service.The only bad thing I've heard is that their machines are a bit bulky and slightly over priced.

I am not sure I would call them a bit bulky, they are HUGE and heavy. If you travel a lot it will get old very fast, trust me I travel all the time and have a fairly heavy laptop and it gets old and its light compared to alienware laptops.
Yup that's what they are basically doing to everyone that it does it to. Funny thing almost everyone's system has broke in a week after the warranty runs out

I would not be shocked to learn that Sony did this on purpose since the PS3 is getting it's ass handed to it by Wii and 360. It's a way to get some money back. Laugh if you will, but it would not suprise me at all if they did this on purpose.
I got mine in October 2007 and it's the 60GB version. I'm afraid to do the update. :sick Do I have to? If I don't what does it affect?
I would not be shocked to learn that Sony did this on purpose since the PS3 is getting it's ass handed to it by Wii and 360. It's a way to get some money back. Laugh if you will, but it would not suprise me at all if they did this on purpose.

if it is on purpose its not really the smartest way to sell imo.this would probably end up hurting sales further. they (sony) need to cut the crap and get it together!
I have one of the first PS3 models that came out (20gig)......I'm scared to turn it on now. :(
I have one of the first PS3 models that came out (20gig)......I'm scared to turn it on now. :(

i would be too. i started out with a 20gig too, then upgraded to a 60gig, and 3months ago i traded my 60 in for an 80gig, all while under warranty with gamestop. so far i've had no trouble but as i mentioned in a previous post this is supposedly only happening to 60gig launch systems, they didnt mention anything about 20g ones but i wouldnt rule it out since both are launch models.
i would be too. i started out with a 20gig too, then upgraded to a 60gig, and 3months ago i traded my 60 in for an 80gig, all while under warranty with gamestop. so far i've had no trouble but as i mentioned in a previous post this is supposedly only happening to 60gig launch systems, they didnt mention anything about 20g ones but i wouldnt rule it out since both are launch models.

:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2 Dang it - I bought the launch model too so I could play all my PS2 games....well I'll turn it on in a bit and keep my fingers crossed.
Well apparently I have already downloaded the update. :eek: Must have been when I played Resistance 2 a couple weeks far no problems. *knocks on wood*
I am not sure I would call them a bit bulky, they are HUGE and heavy. If you travel a lot it will get old very fast, trust me I travel all the time and have a fairly heavy laptop and it gets old and its light compared to alienware laptops.

Well I plan on using mine as a desktop with very little travel usage.It's just going to sit on my desk and never really move.

I like the look,the deisgn and the high upgrad-ability it has.I can't wait to get it.:chew