Playstation 3 Thread

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Have you met Sander Cohen yet?

Yup. I've beaten the game 3 times allready. Cohen is a very disturbing character yet funny at the same time. I coudn't help but chuckel when he come out after placing the pictures in the frame and he's wearing a bunny mask. I still think Dr. Steinman is a little creepier.
I'm replaying it and im gathering pictures for him right now. the bunny mask was funny and kind of frightening at the same time, but yes steinman was definitely creepier, just digging into that corpse on the operating table...disgustingly awesome
Random question: Will the PS3 (U.S. model) play DVDs that are coded for Region 2, 3, 4, etc (excluding Region 1)?
Cross game voice chat coming in next update

Can I ask exactly what that means, and how it's different from what we have now? It sounds like you'll be able to talk to people playing different games than you are. Not sure of how useful that would be.
Can I ask exactly what that means, and how it's different from what we have now? It sounds like you'll be able to talk to people playing different games than you are. Not sure of how useful that would be.

if u wanna chat with your friends but your all playing different games....guess we 360 owners are just more social :rotfl
I got the Yellow Light of death today,really sucks as i bought Uncharted 2 today and was really looking forward to play it.

anyone know how Sony handles this?
I got the Yellow Light of death today,really sucks as i bought Uncharted 2 today and was really looking forward to play it.

anyone know how Sony handles this?

If it's under warranty, they'll replace it for free if you call them. If it's not under warranty, good luck. You might be able to get it replaced for $150, if you're lucky and persistent. Either way, you're gonna be without a system for about 2 weeks minimum (unless you live really close to Texas).

btw, is your system a slim or a fat?
If it's under warranty, they'll replace it for free if you call them. If it's not under warranty, good luck. You might be able to get it replaced for $150, if you're lucky and persistent. Either way, you're gonna be without a system for about 2 weeks minimum (unless you live really close to Texas).

btw, is your system a slim or a fat?

i have the 60GB,the very first one.Bought it April 2007.
Just noticed you're in Norway. I'm not sure how Sony will handle things in Norway. Good luck, I hope it's better than my experience with Sony USA. :peace
i have the 60GB,the very first one.Bought it April 2007.

I have a 60gig too. I hear they are the most prone to this YLoD issue. Good luck with your dealings with Sony.

I fear for my PS3. It's out of the warranty period for both the Sony manufacturer and the Best Buy replacement plan (2 yrs). I got it in January 2007. Oy...*crosses fingers*
I have a 60gig too. I hear they are the most prone to this YLoD issue. Good luck with your dealings with Sony.

I fear for my PS3. It's out of the warranty period for both the Sony manufacturer and the Best Buy replacement plan (2 yrs). I got it in January 2007. Oy...*crosses fingers*

Me too. If mine ever dies I'll be screwed and of course will be forced to buy a new PS3. How does this work?? Can you just swap the hard drive into the new one?? (I have a 500gb drive in mine so I won't be getting rid of it)
Me too. If mine ever dies I'll be screwed and of course will be forced to buy a new PS3. How does this work?? Can you just swap the hard drive into the new one?? (I have a 500gb drive in mine so I won't be getting rid of it)

If your PS3 dies, you can not just remove the hard drive and install it into a new PS3 because the new PS3 will force you to format that hard drive before it can be used. This happens because the hard drive is locked to your PS3's motherboard once it has been formatted and put into use. So, what you can do is take a precautionary step and back up your data from time to time while your PS3 is still alive :)lol). It's a hassle and could be a bit pricey, but if you're really really paranoid, it's worth it.

The PS3 has a built-in data backup utility. You'll need an external hard drive (USB) to store that backup data, but at least then you can be assured that your game saves, pics, vids, and other miscellaneous data are safe. Once you do use the back-up utility, you can transfer it to the new hard drive. Since you have a 500gig HD in your current PS3, you might need an external hard drive that is a similar capacity, depending on how full your current PS3 hard drive is. Of course, you can pick and choose what you want to keep.

As for game demos, DLC, and full games on the hard drive, those can just be re-downloaded because they are tied with your account on the Playstation Network.
If your PS3 dies, you can not just remove the hard drive and install it into a new PS3 because the new PS3 will force you to format that hard drive before it can be used. This happens because the hard drive is locked to your PS3's motherboard once it has been formatted and put into use.

This isn't exactly true. I've replaced so many hard drives with various PS3's, it's not even funny. The way it works is that you can swap hard drives with the exact same model without any fuss whatsoever. If you put the HD into a different model, it will complain and ask to wipe your drive.

If you use the backup utility, it will back everything up to the external drive. If you try to transfer the files back, unless you're writing the data back to the same model of PS3, you might not be getting everything back. Singstar songs, downloaded games, and even some game saves, (I think a lot of Capcom games are like this) prohibit transfer to a new system.

The good news is you can re-download any games you bought. The bad news is Singstar Songs (and maybe Rock Band and Guitar Hero songs, but I really don't know) will only come back if you call Sony and beg. As far as the game saves go, you're SOL.

I haven't been able to find a way to crack the backup files or the files on the PS3 HD to be able to transfer them to a different model, but I didn't really spend a lot of time trying.

You may have to deauthorize your machine to re-download some PSN purchases. You can do that in the XMB over by the user settings area.
This isn't exactly true. I've replaced so many hard drives with various PS3's, it's not even funny. The way it works is that you can swap hard drives with the exact same model without any fuss whatsoever. If you put the HD into a different model, it will complain and ask to wipe your drive.

If you use the backup utility, it will back everything up to the external drive. If you try to transfer the files back, unless you're writing the data back to the same model of PS3, you might not be getting everything back. Singstar songs, downloaded games, and even some game saves, (I think a lot of Capcom games are like this) prohibit transfer to a new system.

The good news is you can re-download any games you bought. The bad news is Singstar Songs (and maybe Rock Band and Guitar Hero songs, but I really don't know) will only come back if you call Sony and beg. As far as the game saves go, you're SOL.

I haven't been able to find a way to crack the backup files or the files on the PS3 HD to be able to transfer them to a different model, but I didn't really spend a lot of time trying.

You may have to deauthorize your machine to re-download some PSN purchases. You can do that in the XMB over by the user settings area.

Yeah, I'm aware of most of that, but as it stands, the method I mentioned above is one of the only decent ways to do it without too much fuss. Hairlesswookie (and I) have first generation 60gig models, which aren't in production anymore, so we can't just switch hard drives into a new 60gig PS3 because they aren't readily available. Granted, I haven't had my PS3 die on me yet, so take my opinions with a grain of salt, but this is everything I've gathered from a lot of sources.

As for the backup utility not transferring everything, well, chalk that up to orneriness on the part of game developers and Sony's hardware/software. Not everything goes according to plan.

If you have better solutions, by all means, I could use the know, just in case. :lol