Playstation 3 Thread

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No doubt, just plug headphones into your tv.

I thought about that, my luck she would run into the lounge room, trip over the cord and the wife would put me in the

I might actually look into this, hope you can get a bluetooth surround sound headset to plug into the amp... research

With all the blood, guts, mayhem, and killing going on in FPS games, why are we concerned about an F-bomb here or there? :dunno :lol
I'm selling my wii and getting a PS3 this week. I've noticed that the PS3 has quite a few more games then it did in the past, and that I need a system apart from my 360 that MY SON is always playing with his FRIENDS.I know he's going to try and ask me to play it, even though most of the games that are on the 360 are on the PS3, with the exception of a few. But even games like GOD of WAR are getting basically ported over to the 360 with subtle differences... "Dante's Inferno"

My son's got this thing where he has to own everything in the house. But I'm just going to buy the games that I like (such as Fallout 3, Metal Gear ect.) which are the games he doesn't play. Sure I'll buy a few that he'll like but it's going to mainly a machine for my own personal use and not my son and all his friends.

I liked the Wii but not playing so much anymore plus I've heard Nintendo is coming out with newer system, an HD system or perhaps a Wii 2 pretty soon and I'm not going to hold onto this system anymore if that's true. So I'm looking forward to getting My new PS3 and can't wait to check it out.
I'm selling my wii and getting a PS3 this week. I've noticed that the PS3 has quite a few more games then it did in the past, and that I need a system apart from my 360 that MY SON is always playing with his FRIENDS.I know he's going to try and ask me to play it, even though most of the games that are on the 360 are on the PS3, with the exception of a few. But even games like GOD of WAR are getting basically ported over to the 360 with subtle differences... "Dante's Inferno"

My son's got this thing where he has to own everything in the house. But I'm just going to buy the games that I like (such as Fallout 3, Metal Gear ect.) which are the games he doesn't play. Sure I'll buy a few that he'll like but it's going to mainly a machine for my own personal use and not my son and all his friends.

I liked the Wii but not playing so much anymore plus I've heard Nintendo is coming out with newer system, an HD system or perhaps a Wii 2 pretty soon and I'm not going to hold onto this system anymore if that's true. So I'm looking forward to getting My new PS3 and can't wait to check it out.

Uh, GOW is awesome and Dante's Inferno is a sh_tty ripoff. Yes I have played both. :cool:
LOL I know right. I'd be more concerned about the kids seeing head shots galore.

I should have clarified more maybe, I mean she cant see the screen from another room but can hear it. I was suggesting it would be my luck if she happened to run into the room and trip over it. I can pause the game, but I hear your point.

Thanks for the link, great site.
Question for you guys. Should I buy the PS3 Slim, or should I buy 80gb original ? I do like the original more but I heard of it'd problems.

As somebody who has gone through 3 fats, I cannot recommend the fat to anybody.

Mind you, there are many different versions of the fat, and the newer ones may not have the problems mine have, I can tell you I'm very happy with my slim. (so far)

The slim uses half the power of the fat, I dunno if that means anything to you or not. Check out the chart here:
Question for you guys. Should I buy the PS3 Slim, or should I buy 80gb original ? I do like the original more but I heard of it'd problems.

I'd go with the slim. It's quieter, has a bigger harddrive and takes up less space. Unless you absolutely need the two extra USB ports, it's pretty much the best choice.
I've had the 60gb original for sometime now and I've had more problems with it than my original launch xbox360. It sounds like a jumbo jet when playing the newer games like Uncharted 2 that harness a lot of power and it's enormous. It also seems like with every new game that comes out there are rumors and reports about them causing the older systems to tank. Go with the slim for sure. The slim also supports true hd audio bitstream.
My original launch 60GB PS3 is going strong, and it's never given me a problem, but I'd buy the latest hardware in the PS3 Slim.
Do you have any plans for playing PS2 or PS1 games??? If this is a yes, then I recommend searching out an old 60GB model. Full BC, more ports, wireless, and you can upgrade the hard drive just as easily as any other PS3 system.
Killzone 2. LOL. The best FPS on the PS3, as well as COD4 and W@W.

:stick ;)

Just to be clear, Starkiller is making a joke. Killzone 2 is NOT free of profanity, by any means.

Yep, that "LOL" of his gave it away... :D

This is one of the reasons I have not bought this game at the moment, all the reviews I have seen have mentioned the strong language content with no options to turn it off, and with little ones that may be in earshot I didn't want to risk it.

Having said that, I do intend on picking this up when they start school next year. lol

Yep, an option on the language would have been nice. I've seen it on some PC versions of FPS, along with "blood & guts" options..

With all the blood, guts, mayhem, and killing going on in FPS games, why are we concerned about an F-bomb here or there? :dunno :lol

An option for that as well would have been even better. Plus, having the F-bombs dropping all over the place on a 7.2 (ok, 5.1 on the PS3) surround sound system is not exactly the best thing for the kiddies and the mommies... ;)