Playstation 3 Thread

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Aw man, that's not what I wanted to hear. :monkey2 I sold my fat and bought a slim because of all the problems I was having with my fat. (I didn't sell a bad system, I sold a working one that was replaced by Sony - I'm not that evil :monkey3 )

The thing is, as I said it only makes that noise with DVDs and only if I had been playing a game first. The grinding noise itself only lasts about 3 seconds while loading and after that the DVD plays fine and there are no scratches on the disc or anything. The best way I can describe the sound is it sounds kinda like a motor, not exactly like a motor but you get the idea. It's not the standard noise it make when reading a disc.
It doesn't make sense that stand-by mode would affect the PS3 negatively. Nothing is actually "on" while it is in stand-by mode...all it does is allow you to remotely turn on the PS3 with the press of the button on the controllers or the touch sensitive button on the console itself.

I keep mine in standby mode all the time 24/7 and havent had a problem yet with my launch system.
Ok I'm kinda having a little problem with my PS3. When I'm playing a video game and then decide to quit and pop in a DVD to watch, while it loads the DVD, it makes a "grinding" like noise. But if my PS3 has ben shut off for awhile and I pop in a DVD without playing a game beforehand, it won't make that noise. Anyone else experience this and should I be concerned? I heard it could be the laser having trouble reading the disc.

I had this happen to me on my ps2 and my 360. I attributed it to the lens adjusting to a new disc. I dont know ???? about ???? though.
ADD ME. PSN IS X_Relinquished_X
And my other is ShaneXAlexander. I do MW 1 AND MW 2 and what not.
The thing is, as I said it only makes that noise with DVDs and only if I had been playing a game first. The grinding noise itself only lasts about 3 seconds while loading and after that the DVD plays fine and there are no scratches on the disc or anything. The best way I can describe the sound is it sounds kinda like a motor, not exactly like a motor but you get the idea. It's not the standard noise it make when reading a disc.

Could be the lens adjusting from blu-ray to regular DVD. I'm no techie, though. :huh
Mine makes the same noise as I push the dvd in and once its in, the grinding noise stops. I worried about it at first also, but then just said whatever its fine when it plays so no worries.
Got these today at Toys R Us, and used the $75 gift card I had gotten from my friend for Christmas. Plus all the games are buy 1 get one half off now at TRU.

Ratchet and Clank: Crack in Time
Resistance 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Assasins Creed 2

So I've had my PS3 for less than a week, and now have accumulated 11 games. My wallet is crying, and I may be crying a little on the inside. Not sure yet, since I am playing through Uncharted right now. :lol
Yeah, the WII is the same way, no on/off switch, so, I unplug the cord.........while it may not use much energy, it must use a little - just seems like a waste to not have a true off option.....
Do you think its just the optical drive as it pulls the disc in?? My Macbook does the same thing, but once the disc is completely in the sound stops.

As for mine, I think you might be right, cause mine you only hear the grinding as its pulling the dvd in. Once in its all gravy :D
Today my friend got a PS3 slim so I took mine over so we could compare the two and I noticed, after around 20 minutes of so mine seemed to get a little louder than when it was first turned on. I didn't think much of it since it does that all the time but after we played his for a good 2 hours, his was running just as quiet as when we first turned it on. Now while the air in the back felt the same, he's worried the fan on his might not be working right and I'm a tad worried mine might be getting too hot. Both were horizontal and had the same amount of space and ventelation.
You should be able to hear the fan on the slim, even if it is much quieter than the old phat PS3 consoles. Try playing a dvd, and then switching to a game. The fan should automatically adjust itself to different speeds/rpms. You should be able to hear it.
I was told that the Slim has its fans blow faster and at a higher pitch thus making it inaudible for us.
Maybe will drive the cats and dogs crazy.....:lol
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Yeah the PS3 Slim's fan does make a higher pitched sound compared to the older PS3s, but it should still be audible. Because it is so quiet, I bet it's difficult to tell if it's even working correctly.
So it's normal for the fan to get louder after 20 mins or so? Again we could hear the the fans on both console (mine is also a slim) but mine got a little louder after 20 mins. Not much louder but you could tell. His stayed the same even after about 2 hour of playing.
So it's normal for the fan to get louder after 20 mins or so? Again we could hear the the fans on both console (mine is also a slim) but mine got a little louder after 20 mins. Not much louder but you could tell. His stayed the same even after about 2 hour of playing.

I would assume that the fan gets louder after a couple of hours of use because the system is hotter. The fan is spinning faster to cool the system down, making the louder noice.
Gonna get me a slim next week. I sold my 360 and games for a good $400. So I'm gonna get a slim because I feel my old 60gb is starting to kick the dust. Its been freezing up a lot lately (since uncharted 2 and MW2 came out) so I want to put it on the bench before it dies so I can have and extra Blu Ray player for the bedroom.