Playstation 3 Thread

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Well after my 60gb gave ass couple weeks ago I went and bought a slim. Before I bought one my friend was telling me that on his slim, the controller wouldnt connect so he would have to plug in the usb cord in order to play games. Well, after the second night of gaming I noticed that starting to happen to my slim. I turn it on with the ps button on the controller and all the lights stay blinking until a message on the tv appears to press the ps button to turn on the controller. It's pretty annoying. I have to plug in the usb cord, turn off the controller, unplug the cord, then turn on the controller and hope it connects. Is anyone else having this issue?
Well after my 60gb gave ass couple weeks ago I went and bought a slim. Before I bought one my friend was telling me that on his slim, the controller wouldnt connect so he would have to plug in the usb cord in order to play games. Well, after the second night of gaming I noticed that starting to happen to my slim. I turn it on with the ps button on the controller and all the lights stay blinking until a message on the tv appears to press the ps button to turn on the controller. It's pretty annoying. I have to plug in the usb cord, turn off the controller, unplug the cord, then turn on the controller and hope it connects. Is anyone else having this issue?

I've had issues with the controller and the BD remote.
Is it just us, or is anybody else having trouble getting the DTS sound to play thru their UP Blu Ray discs on the PS3?
wow, yeah I can't even get regular DTS sound when I play a DVD in my PS3, I dunno what's going on here guys...We have the optical cable going from the receiver to the PS3 and we have our receiver setting to bitstream and the PS3 BD/DVD setting to optical and set to bitstream also and still no DTS sound thru DVD or Blue-Ray....So if anybody has any suggestions on what we're doing wrong I would appreciate it guys, cause ive been at this for hours and about pulling my hair :banghead
I have the same issue, but its because my receiver is ancient and only decodes Dolby Digital and not DTS .. :lol
I just got my playstation 3 LiL Big Planet, Ratchet and Clank bundle last night for $250!!!! I really like it and think that the hardware its self is yop notch when compared to the 360. As far as the user interface, it's pretty easy to use. I think it's easier to us the Microsoft's.

Can anyone help me with explaining PSN to me as far as the pros an cons when compared to the Xbox 360 ??
LUCKY!!! As for the LIVE vs. PSN comparison. There aren't many major differences other than chat and party features. At least none that I ever used. Maybe someone can jump in and list what LIVE has that PSN doesn't.

Of course there are people that say that LIVE has better connection than PSN, but I have no problem with what we have now since you don't pay a subscription for it. There is word that Sony will have a "premium" service that will have a price, but the core online multiplayer will remain free of charge. Nothing has been stated on what will be included with the premium service, but I"m guessing it might be some exclusive content and priority access to demos, DLC, whatever.

HOME is a useless waste of time and the clothes/furniture/ etc.. you buy in it is absolute garbage.
LIVE is definitely superior to the PSNetwork in a few areas. And I'm not speaking as a fanboy as I own and love both consoles.

One thing that I've noticed is that LIVE is considerably more streamlined than PSN. Whereas downloading stuff from PSN requires multiple screens, followed by the installation to the harddrive, these things are done with fewer button presses and less steps with LIVE. Also, there is no need to request a download be done in the background - they're all done in the background on the Xbox. Again, not a big thing, but it does speed things up considerably. The same applies to system updates.

Sending and receiving messages from friends is also somewhat simpler, as is hooking up for voice or video chat. There's also stuff like 1 vs. 100, which is a fun way to kill some time playing trivia online against everyone in North America (or whatever continent you're situated in). The nice thing about 1 vs. 100 is that it's free to play, and you can win free game downloads and M$ points to spend in the Marketplace.

I will say that I prefer PSN's store setup better than LIVE's Marketplace. With LIVE, video and game downloads are in separate sections, and they only list the 20 or so most recent additions when you select "new releases". But when music games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero are getting dozens of DLC add-on songs per week, a lot of new stuff gets passed over as they simply don't show up in the listings; you have to know about them and do a search to find them.

Finally, due to Microsoft using dedicated servers, many online games run smoother when played on the Xbox versus the PS3. That may all change if and when Sony starts charging for premium content, which could potentially mean dedicated servers of their own. Games like Borderlands run considerably quicker and smoother on the Xbox, for example.
Are we on this topic again? No one should be charging beyond the internet provider and possibly the game developer for the ability to congregate online and interact in a way that creates entertaining experiences. Microsoft is not creating content, it is just restricting access, which is ridiculous if you have bought their console.
Are we on this topic again? No one should be charging beyond the internet provider and possibly the game developer for the ability to congregate online and interact in a way that creates entertaining experiences. Microsoft is not creating content, it is just restricting access, which is ridiculous if you have bought their console.

They offer dedicated servers for online play, which is worth paying $5 a month if you want the best possible multiplayer gameplay with little to no lag.

And Xbox LIVE is free for chats and downloading content from the Marketplace. They do NOT charge you to congregate online or interact with other gamers. The $60/year fee for Gold-level access allows you to play your multiplayer games on their dedicated servers.

To me, "ridiculous" is a game like War of Warcraft, which charges you $15 a month just for the privilege of playing the game you bought at full retail price. If you don't pay, you can't play at all, even offline. And four months of WoW pays for an entire year of Xbox LIVE. I'd say that's a pretty good deal, all things considered.
They offer dedicated servers for online play, which is worth paying $5 a month if you want the best possible multiplayer gameplay with little to no lag.

:confused: I think it really depends on the game. I'm relatively sure the 360 and PS3 bot utilize P2P and dedicated servers depending on the game.

Halo 3, for instance, is P2P.
Do not pay just to be able to congregate and interact online. Why, that'd be as if this website charged us just to be able to have discussions with each other. It's wrong, people. You can try to comfort yourself that you're getting something better, but as we've discussed before, that's largely ex post facto rationalization.
:confused: I think it really depends on the game. I'm relatively sure the 360 and PS3 bot utilize P2P and dedicated servers depending on the game.

Halo 3, for instance, is P2P.

Halo 3 is an Xbox-exclusive, I'm talking about third party games that are released on both platforms, like Borderlands, Call of Duty, and so on. Typically, they run better on the 360. Note that I say "typically" because there are definitely exceptions to that rule. Again, this isn't fanboyism, it's just the reality.

Now, whether that's completely due to the servers or if the coding for the different versions has an impact, I couldn't say. But I typically check numerous online reviews and comparisons before buying any new game, as I want to buy the version that runs the best, regardless if it's on my 360 or my PS3.

And for the last time, you do NOT have to pay Microsoft one cent to use LIVE for communicating with your friends, sending messages, or using the Marketplace. The $60 gold membership is strictly for playing games online.