Playstation 3 Thread

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The whole point of getting Live would be to play games online, yes? You wouldn't be buying a console just to communicate with your friends, send messages, and so forth. It's wrong.
wow, yeah I can't even get regular DTS sound when I play a DVD in my PS3, I dunno what's going on here guys...We have the optical cable going from the receiver to the PS3 and we have our receiver setting to bitstream and the PS3 BD/DVD setting to optical and set to bitstream also and still no DTS sound thru DVD or Blue-Ray....So if anybody has any suggestions on what we're doing wrong I would appreciate it guys, cause ive been at this for hours and about pulling my hair :banghead

Check the Audio Settings, I have DTS and this is what I have checked

-Dolby Digital 5.1ch
-DTS 5.1 ch
-Linear PCM 2ch 44.1 kHz
-Linear PCM 2ch 48 kHz

If that doesn't work, play the same DVD in a standalone player (if you have one) and verify that DTS is working in your receiver through that. If it doesn't work, then something's wrong with your receiver, if it does work then a setting is not correct in your PS3. I'd google for further assistance.
The whole point of getting Live would be to play games online, yes? You wouldn't be buying a console just to communicate with your friends, send messages, and so forth. It's wrong.

So anyone who buys a game these days MUST play it in online multiplayer? Man, that's going to upset everyone who bought Assassin's Creed, or God of War, or Fallout 3, or...

Most of my family and friends located in other countries have been buying 360s lately. Not to play games online, but so we can all chat together online for free. It's cheaper than any other VOIP service since all they're paying is their monthly IP fees.

While it may seem "wrong" to you, not everyone shares your philosophy on gaming. Nor your obvious fanboyism. You don't like Microsoft; fine. But don't try to steer people away from the system because you're drinking the Playstation kool-aid. I own and use both systems regularly and both have their pros and cons.
Most of my family and friends located in other countries have been buying 360s lately. Not to play games online, but so we can all chat together online for free. It's cheaper than any other VOIP service since all they're paying is their monthly IP fees.

Buying 360s just to chat for "free" seems like a roundabout way to go about it. There are cheaper options, you know.

And multiplayer is becoming an increasingly standard part of the gaming experience. For those games that don't have multiplayer ... well, paying Microsoft for the Gold level service is certainly unnecessary there, isn't it? Who's paying and NOT engaging in online gaming?

If you feel it's alright to chat for free, why shouldn't it be okay to play online for free? I can understand paying a little bit if there's content creation that's involved, but in this case it's just Microsoft shaking people down in the queue ... making them pay for the right to be in the queue!

It's wrong.
Multiplayer sucks ass. "Uncharted 2"'s campaign obviously suffered from their efforts at multiplayer.

I hate people. Why would I include them in my gameplaying experience? I play games to avoid people.

We need to hurry up and get over this multiplayer s*** in our culture....
I got a slim PS3 last month and I'm giving my 80 GB PS3 to my parents so they'll have a Blu-ray player.

I used a USB flash drive to transfer my save game data from my old machine to the new one. God of War was the only saved game I had played up until yesterday and I had no problems with it.

Last night I decided to put in Uncharted 2 and Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time. This was the first time I went to play either game on my new PS3, and also the first time I've played them since I got a wireless router last weekend and went online with my PS3. I downloaded the software updates for both games but, at the end when the games started, it told me that the game save data didn't belong to me and couldn't be used.

Is there any way around this or will I have to start both games all over again? :monkey2
Question for fellow Slim owners. Does yours make a cracking sound (kinda like cracking knuckels) up to 4 hours after shutdown? I know the cracking noise is from the plastic expanding and contracting but it seems odd to me it will continue (randomly) even hours after shutdown and is cold to the touch.
Question for fellow Slim owners. Does yours make a cracking sound (kinda like cracking knuckels) up to 4 hours after shutdown? I know the cracking noise is from the plastic expanding and contracting but it seems odd to me it will continue (randomly) even hours after shutdown and is cold to the touch.

Nope, mine doesn't do that. Are you sure it's not your DVR or cable box? That could be the hard drive doing it's thing, but I don't think the PS3 shouldn't be making any noise when sleeping.
I finally got a PS3!!! :rock!!
Here's the story, the company I work at had some major setbacks last year, and things have been hard, I had to take a pay-cut but things are slowly picking up.
We weren't supposed to get any bonuses, but last Friday my bosses arrived with a 250Gb PS3 and 2 games, Infamous and Uncharted for me as a gift!!!
I wanted to buy the console for Christmas, but it wasn't looking good... so this is an awesome present from work!!

I also have Ghostbusters, and I just borrowed Arkham Asylum and GTIV from my boss, so I have plenty of games to get started!!

I'm so happy!!! :banana:banana:banana
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Nope, mine doesn't do that. Are you sure it's not your DVR or cable box? That could be the hard drive doing it's thing, but I don't think the PS3 shouldn't be making any noise when sleeping.

It's my PS3. According to most of the places I've asked, the cracking noise is normal as all it is is the plastic cooling off but I've never heard of it doing it hours after shutdown. I've allready exchanged my first PS3 slim cause it was freezing. While other than the cracking noise, I haven't had a problem with my PS3 (knock on wood), it does worry me.

Is yours sitting horizontally or vertically? I've found if I place mine vertically it doesn't make that noise nor does it get as hot.
That's pretty weird that the slim's are dong that. The redesign was supposed to run cooler and more "efficiently" than the fat ones.

Did you get a warranty with it?? It sucks, but from now on I'm buying whatever extended warranty BB has for game consoles. My friend has had several of his 360s die on him and he just takes them to BB and they give him a new 360 sans hard drive. Worth the $$ to me to not have to deal with CS and shipping systems back and forth.
Is yours sitting horizontally or vertically? I've found if I place mine vertically it doesn't make that noise nor does it get as hot.

Horizontally. That sucks, I hope it's nothing too serious. If it's a slim, then at least you have until next summer/fall/whenever to exchange it if it turns out to be a major problem.
That's pretty weird that the slim's are dong that. The redesign was supposed to run cooler and more "efficiently" than the fat ones.

Did you get a warranty with it?? It sucks, but from now on I'm buying whatever extended warranty BB has for game consoles. My friend has had several of his 360s die on him and he just takes them to BB and they give him a new 360 sans hard drive. Worth the $$ to me to not have to deal with CS and shipping systems back and forth.

From my knowlage, the slims are cooler but because they are smaller and the part are crammed closer to eachother, they fell warmer to the touch but internally they are supposedly cooler. I'm not techy though, I'm just going by what I was told.

Sadly I did not get an extended warranty.
From my knowlage, the slims are cooler but because they are smaller and the part are crammed closer to eachother, they fell warmer to the touch but internally they are supposedly cooler. I'm not techy though, I'm just going by what I was told.

Sadly I did not get an extended warranty.

They still come with a 1 year from Sony. I'd try contacting them to find out more information. I went and bought a small table-top fan that I have blowing on the back of the PS3 all the time when I'm playing games. Keeps it nice and cool back there.
They still come with a 1 year from Sony. I'd try contacting them to find out more information. I went and bought a small table-top fan that I have blowing on the back of the PS3 all the time when I'm playing games. Keeps it nice and cool back there.

Yeah I know about the I year warrenty. Like I said I haven't expeirenced any problems with it yet (knock on wood), it's just the cracking noise is very annoying and a little unnerving.

I may call Sony up just to be see what they have to say like you said. Question though, if they were to tell me to send it back in even though there appears to be nothing wrong with it other than the cracking noise, would they just end up sending me a refurbished console.

Also, when I first got my 360, I went online looking at ways to keep it cool and I remember reading you don't want to put a fan in the back because it blows the hot air back into the system. The better solution is to put it in front that way it sucks in the cool air rather than blow the warm air back in. I may be wrong but the same rule might also apply to the PS3 aswell. Just a thought.
Question for fellow Slim owners. Does yours make a cracking sound (kinda like cracking knuckels) up to 4 hours after shutdown? I know the cracking noise is from the plastic expanding and contracting but it seems odd to me it will continue (randomly) even hours after shutdown and is cold to the touch.

YES! Mine does that too.