Playstation 3 Thread

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Does yours continue to make a cracking noise even 3 to 4 hours after shutdown?

Yep! I too also thought it was the plastic expanding or whatever, so I didn't think too much of it. I notice it afterwards because I will usually watch Blu-rays on my other Blu-ray player and I hear the PS3 crack.
Thanks. Out of curiousity, have you had any problems with your PS3 at all?

Just the controller bluetooth problem. But I found out almost every one that has a Slim has it. I just restart my system and it syncs up again. At first I thought it was that the controller needed to be charged, but I found out that wasn't the case. Other than that, no problems whatsoever. But, I did just get my system after Thanksgiving, so it's pretty new still.
Quick question I hope someone can answer:

When switching out the hard drive on your PS3, if you want to keep old game saves/demos/etc., you need to save them and back them up on an external drive, then transfer them to the new hard drive, correct?

If that’s the case, can one simply use an external hard drive to increase memory space?

I ask because I’ve been meaning to increase my HD space for a while, but I’d have to purchase an external HD to keep all my old game saves as well as a new HD. If one could use the external HD, I could save money..
I would like to share my following introduction to the Sony PS3 (slim 120gb) which I had the (mis)fortune have experiencing...

On or about October 16th, 2009, I purchased the PS3 from New Egg as a Christmas gift for my 7yr old son. (I also purchased an extra controller, the remote control for blu-ray viewing and a couple of games.) I told the wife that we had to schedule a day where she would take the kids out of the house so that I could test it out to make sure all works ok. In the meantime I hid it inside a suitcase which inturn was placed high up in my closet. How does the saying go? "Out of sight, out of mind"?...

Well, I totally forgot about the PS3 up until Christmas time.

On Christmas day, my son wakes up, runs to the living room and starts ripping open the wrapped gifts. He was actually expecting a PSP so when he saw the PS3, he freaked out...

So he wakes me up and off I go to set everything up. HDMI cables- set. Power cable- set. Push power button- nothing... Try pushing button again... nada. Try different power outlets- nyet... Drive to GameSpot and try different power cable- nope.


Brand new PS3 is dead on arrival.

Needless to say, the little guy was crushed. I, on the other had was royally pissed. Pissed at Sony for allowing this crap to go through their factory inspections and pissed at myself for not checking it earlier. But then again, who would expect for a brand new PS3 to be DOA?... I certainly didn't.

The 30 day warranty with NewEgg had expired. After several calls to Sony Support service, I finally got through and they ended up shipping me the empty box and off it went, to Laredo, Texas.

I just hope that they find that it's a simple fix and send it right back or they replace with a new PS3. I know the later is highly unlikely and most probably it will be a refurbished box which sucks, considering it was an unused, brand new PS3 that I purchased.

I checked the UPS tracker and the PS3 arrived yesterday in Texas and most probably I've got another 2 weeks of waiting.

There's my story. Sorry for the rant but thank you for reading this far... Will provide an update once it's back.
Dude, that sucks, sorry to hear that. My launch 60 GB is still going strong, albeit with very little memory left due to all my game saves.

I'm asking this question because you didn't mention the power switch, and I'm not sure if there's one with the Slim, because I don't have one...but the original PS3 has an actual power on/off switch in the need to switch that on, putting the system on "standby mode", allowing you to turn it on or off via the touch sensitive button in the front.
Dude, that sucks, sorry to hear that. My launch 60 GB is still going strong, albeit with very little memory left due to all my game saves.

I'm asking this question because you didn't mention the power switch, and I'm not sure if there's one with the Slim, because I don't have one...but the original PS3 has an actual power on/off switch in the need to switch that on, putting the system on "standby mode", allowing you to turn it on or off via the touch sensitive button in the front.

The Slims don't have a power on switch. At least not one I can see.
Dude, that sucks, sorry to hear that. My launch 60 GB is still going strong, albeit with very little memory left due to all my game saves.

I'm asking this question because you didn't mention the power switch, and I'm not sure if there's one with the Slim, because I don't have one...but the original PS3 has an actual power on/off switch in the need to switch that on, putting the system on "standby mode", allowing you to turn it on or off via the touch sensitive button in the front.

The Slims don't have a power on switch. At least not one I can see.

Darth Fatso is correct. I made sure to check everything and even took it to a local video game shop to test the power cord on the off chance it was the problem. Well, I received an email from Sony this afternoon letting me know that they have received the unit. Here's hoping it's something quick and easy and it heads back quickly. Thanks guys.
^^^It might be as simple as replacing the power source. But I bet they'll probably just send you a replacement system. Its quicker to just pump them out as they diagnose the problems than to diagnose, pull apart, repair, and then ship out.
The Slims don't have a power on switch. At least not one I can see.

Darth Fatso is correct. I made sure to check everything and even took it to a local video game shop to test the power cord on the off chance it was the problem. Well, I received an email from Sony this afternoon letting me know that they have received the unit. Here's hoping it's something quick and easy and it heads back quickly. Thanks guys.

Cool, I don't have a slim, so I didn't know.
Wouldn't watch a huge amount per week but then i have wat he'd alot of box sets in one seating. I have another 60gig which is older And i watch more movies on it.
PS3 games are on Blu Ray as well, so whether you're watching blu ray's or playing games really has no bearing.