Playstation 3 Thread

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I would like to share my following introduction to the Sony PS3 (slim 120gb) which I had the (mis)fortune have experiencing...

On or about October 16th, 2009, I purchased the PS3 from New Egg as a Christmas gift for my 7yr old son. (I also purchased an extra controller, the remote control for blu-ray viewing and a couple of games.) I told the wife that we had to schedule a day where she would take the kids out of the house so that I could test it out to make sure all works ok. In the meantime I hid it inside a suitcase which inturn was placed high up in my closet. How does the saying go? "Out of sight, out of mind"?...

Well, I totally forgot about the PS3 up until Christmas time.

On Christmas day, my son wakes up, runs to the living room and starts ripping open the wrapped gifts. He was actually expecting a PSP so when he saw the PS3, he freaked out...

So he wakes me up and off I go to set everything up. HDMI cables- set. Power cable- set. Push power button- nothing... Try pushing button again... nada. Try different power outlets- nyet... Drive to GameSpot and try different power cable- nope.


Brand new PS3 is dead on arrival.

Needless to say, the little guy was crushed. I, on the other had was royally pissed. Pissed at Sony for allowing this crap to go through their factory inspections and pissed at myself for not checking it earlier. But then again, who would expect for a brand new PS3 to be DOA?... I certainly didn't.

The 30 day warranty with NewEgg had expired. After several calls to Sony Support service, I finally got through and they ended up shipping me the empty box and off it went, to Laredo, Texas.

I just hope that they find that it's a simple fix and send it right back or they replace with a new PS3. I know the later is highly unlikely and most probably it will be a refurbished box which sucks, considering it was an unused, brand new PS3 that I purchased.

I checked the UPS tracker and the PS3 arrived yesterday in Texas and most probably I've got another 2 weeks of waiting.

There's my story. Sorry for the rant but thank you for reading this far... Will provide an update once it's back.

That's why it's always good to test electronics on the first day you receive them. Your defective PS3 most likely passed through Sony's QC, however, things do go wrong in shipping. One simple drop, regardless of how well padded a packaging may be, can ruin a good product. From what I hear, Newegg has a really good replacement program, but it would have been nice if they offered some sort of extended-warranty on gaming systems.

Anyways, I wish you the best! Hope your son enjoys his PS3 when you receive it back from Sony :banana,
That's why it's always good to test electronics on the first day you receive them. Your defective PS3 most likely passed through Sony's QC, however, things do go wrong in shipping. One simple drop, regardless of how well padded a packaging may be, can ruin a good product. From what I hear, Newegg has a really good replacement program, but it would have been nice if they offered some sort of extended-warranty on gaming systems.

Anyways, I wish you the best! Hope your son enjoys his PS3 when you receive it back from Sony :banana,

Thank you, Solidus01. I definitely have been kicking myself for not checking it beforehand. Just checked the status and it's still not appearing as having been assigned to a service tech. I sincerely hope they do replace/fix whatever is wrong and not send me a refurbished unit. I don't want another different problem rearing it's ugly head up later...
The email mentioned nothing regarding the repairs. Simply said that it was being shipped back (with tracking number) and that it has a 90 day warranty. But the 1 year warranty takes precedence, if still in effect.

I'm really curious if they simply switched out the power supply (hoping for this) or if they simply sent a refurbished model (not happy with that).
I've sent a few PS3 systems to Sony and every time it's been an exchange, not a repair. :monkey2

"Several times"??? That's not good to hear! :sick

Because the Slims are pretty new, they may not have had a ton of them sent back to refurbish yet so if your luckey, they may send you a new console.

I think that's what possibly happened. I received it on Monday and fortunately it worked perfectly. It also looked immaculate. I believe it's a new one or at the very least, a refurb like my original that had no usage. I didn't get my original back.

It works great so far. Games and Blu-ray look amazing. The sound quality of the Blu-ray is something that I found surprisingly impressive. Didn't expect to notice it so well. My Blu-ray collection will definitely begin growing! :cool:
I've sent a few PS3 systems to Sony and every time it's been an exchange, not a repair. :monkey2

I haven't even bothered to check, but it is possible to remove the harddrive from the PS3 prior to sending it in for repair? Mine's starting to make some nasty grinding noises when playing regular DVDs and I'm worried I'll need to send it in soon. But I really don't want to spend hours re-downloading everything I've got on my harddrive, so I'm hoping it's like the Xbox in that you simply keep your old harddrive and attach it to the replacement console and you're good to go.
"Several times"??? That's not good to hear! :sick

It was my fat (*lots* of problems), which I have since gotten rid of and bought a slim. I've had no problems with my slim *knock on wood*

I haven't even bothered to check, but it is possible to remove the harddrive from the PS3 prior to sending it in for repair?

When I sent my machines in, I had already upgraded the drive prior to sending, so what I did was just take my HD out and replace it with the original before sending it in.
I haven't even bothered to check, but it is possible to remove the harddrive from the PS3 prior to sending it in for repair? Mine's starting to make some nasty grinding noises when playing regular DVDs and I'm worried I'll need to send it in soon. But I really don't want to spend hours re-downloading everything I've got on my harddrive, so I'm hoping it's like the Xbox in that you simply keep your old harddrive and attach it to the replacement console and you're good to go.

Mine make a grinding noise as well when i play DVD's but it only lasts when it first loads and only when it's been playing Blu Rays first.
SOURCE- engadget

Recent PS3 updates prompt more complaints of console failures
By Donald Melanson posted Jan 21st 2010 5:01PM
Well, we heard a raft of complaints of Blu-ray drive failures and other issues when Sony rolled out the 3.0 and 3.1 firmware updates for the PlayStation 3, and it looks like things may have taken another turn for the worse with the recent 3.10 and 3.15 updates. While it's a bit early to call things widespread, some forums are once again starting to heat up with reports of various problems that mostly seem to have occurred after the 3.15 update rolled out last month -- although some folks also seem to have had trouble with the earlier 3.10 update. As with last time, the issues being reported vary a bit, but the 60GB PS3 seems like it may be the most affected, with one completely unscientific poll on the official PlayStation forums finding that 27 users of the 60GB model had no issues after the 3.15 update, while 35 users had either some "bad" issues or a complete system failure ('course those with no problems aren't that likely to be seeking out threads about problems). So, anyone notice that their PS3 isn't behaving like it should?
I've been the victim of the dead BD drive a few times and it never happened after an update. That said, I hope they figure what's going on with this fiasco.
if i were to swap out the hdd on my ps3, would there be a way to transfer my saved things to it?

yeah there's a backup feature on the XMB> system settings. You just need an external hard drive (or thumb drive) to put the back ups on. Then install the new drive, when you start up the PS3, plug in the external drive and choose "Restore" under the XMB system settings.
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~~~I have a 60 GB PS3 with no problems so far, but I'm afraid its gonna croak at any given moment. For the past couple of months the fans are always on overdrive after the system being on for 10 minutes or so.