Playstation 3 Thread

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To be honest I'm not excited over kinect or move. Sure it's great that now all three consoles have motion controls, but I seem to find games based solely around them gimmicky and uninspiring.
You gonna get a 3D tv?? I doubt I'm going to jump on one. I'm happy with the regular stuff. I just wish I had the extra $$ for Black Friday deals. I'd love to get a new 55" 1080p LED tv.
I recently got a new Plasma TV and at the time I got it the price difference between this years(3d) and last years(non 3d) was less then 10% so I spent the money and got the current 3d version. My thought was that it was such a small price difference and it gives me the option to get the glasses down the road if I want 3d if not I still got the TV i wanted.
Can't wait for the 3d update, my older (3 year old) 73" Mits DLP does 3d with an adapter. The 3d game demos are pretty cool with the extra depth and it will be a bonus to be able to watch 3d movies as well.
No. Too expensive for my tastes.

Maybe when they make a game worth buying that uses it exclusively though.

It's only $50, the same as a regular controller, and the eye is only $ that's 90 for the whole package.

I'm going to wait until a game comes out that is worth buying and playing with the move controller. Games for me are way to realize and unwind...I don't like having to move all about, when I just want to sit and move my damn thumbs.
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That's cool. Still not for me though, but good that Sony has it in working order. I wonder how long until MS announces 3D support on the 360.

I dont think that they can with all hardware. Not all the HDMI can support 3d I think its 1.4 only. Elite has 1.2 if I remember right
I bought Move yesterday. It was an ordeal to do so as well. I went to a Best Buy to get it because I had a gift card to use. I see it on a little rack in the video game area. I grabbed the camera/game/controller bundle, another controller and the joystick controller. After I grabbed it some employee came up and told me that they had gotten a call and were chewed out for putting it out before Sunday. So I handed him the stuff I had and he wheeled the stuff back to the back.

Anyway I had to go to two more Best Buy stores to get it. It's pretty cool. A lot better than the Wii as far as it's controls. I can see them releasing some really fun games for it.
I dont think that they can with all hardware. Not all the HDMI can support 3d I think its 1.4 only. Elite has 1.2 if I remember right

That sucks for MS. I'm sure the next system will have it enabled though.

It should, the Wii Remote is 4 years old.

:lecture :lecture It's only time before Nintendo ramps up their controller software/hardware and gets it on par with whatever Sony has.
I got the Move yesterday too, and it was pretty annoying to set up. I only have one charging cable, so it took a while to charge up both the motion and navigation controller.

I haven't tried the Sports Champions game yet, and iirc, I can't play a few of the games if I don't have two motion controllers... is that right? That really sucks.

But it feels pretty good with RE5 Gold. There's a bit of a calibration issue whenever I go to aim (It tends to aim a bit too much to the right at times), but it's pretty easy to fix. I suppose it's because I'm not pointing the motion controller to the center of the screen.

At the moment, it's not wowing me, but maybe that's because I've only played RE so far. It feels a bit more responsive than the Wii controller, but so far, I really don't know if it was worth the $130.
But it feels pretty good with RE5 Gold. There's a bit of a calibration issue whenever I go to aim (It tends to aim a bit too much to the right at times), but it's pretty easy to fix. I suppose it's because I'm not pointing the motion controller to the center of the screen.

Is this a hardware problem, or more of a user issue?? I remember Resident Evil 4 on the Wii. I don't think it was a hardware problem, but I thought the controls were just crap. I quickly traded it in at Gamestop and was happy enough with the Gamecube version.
That sucks for MS. I'm sure the next system will have it enabled though.

They may have made the new system ready for it. They also may have the ability to update the HDMI version with a firmware like the PS3 but not sure if they can.