Playstation 3 Thread

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I think my laser went. Plays PS2 games ok, plays DVDs ok, downloaded demos play ok. It seems to play PS3 games ok if you start them up when the system is cold. However, blu-ray movies lock the system up after 5-10 mins and then it's f'd until you let it cool down (won't play anything blu-ray).

Had something similar happen to me. It'd play regular DVDs just fine, but any blu-ray would stutter continuously during playback.

Since it was still under warranty, I called their service department and got it fixed for free. Considering it was one of the newer slim models, I was a little miffed that it crapped out so quickly. Since then, I've been careful to ONLY play blu-rays on my PS3, and play regular DVDs on my Xbox 360. Not sure it'll help, though...
I think my laser went. Plays PS2 games ok, plays DVDs ok, downloaded demos play ok. It seems to play PS3 games ok if you start them up when the system is cold. However, blu-ray movies lock the system up after 5-10 mins and then it's f'd until you let it cool down (won't play anything blu-ray).

Had something similar happen to me. It'd play regular DVDs just fine, but any blu-ray would stutter continuously during playback.

Since it was still under warranty, I called their service department and got it fixed for free. Considering it was one of the newer slim models, I was a little miffed that it crapped out so quickly. Since then, I've been careful to ONLY play blu-rays on my PS3, and play regular DVDs on my Xbox 360. Not sure it'll help, though...

That's what happened when my launch PS3 crapped out in May. Innitially, I had difficulty playing PS3 games / Blu-Rays. Then it wouldn't read Blu-Rays, but DVDs and PS2 games worked fine. Finally crapped out on me altogether. It plays downloaded demos / games fine though.

I'm out of warranty, too, but I'm fine with that, because I want MY original launch 60 GB back, not some other dude's refurbished one. Luckily I have a pretty reliable game store nearby that does repairs.
My ps3 is leaving marks on my discs that stops them from playing , I thought they were scratches but they can be wiped off. The problem is everytime I put the discs back in within ten minutes they freeze and its happened again. It isn't dust I'm sure of that.
It's way past its warranty and I can barely find any similar problems on google , what I can find don't really have any answers.
Any ideas before I get a new one ?.
My ps3 is leaving marks on my discs that stops them from playing , I thought they were scratches but they can be wiped off. The problem is everytime I put the discs back in within ten minutes they freeze and its happened again. It isn't dust I'm sure of that.
It's way past its warranty and I can barely find any similar problems on google , what I can find don't really have any answers.
Any ideas before I get a new one ?.

Sounds like there's some kind of build-up inside your console. It could be anything, really. I'd take it to a local game store that does basic repairs, and see if they'd be willing to open it up and give it a good cleaning.

I'd avoid those head-cleaning discs and solutions that you can buy at most electronics stores; they have a tendency to scratch and ruin the laser(s) completely.
I think my laser went. Plays PS2 games ok, plays DVDs ok, downloaded demos play ok. It seems to play PS3 games ok if you start them up when the system is cold. However, blu-ray movies lock the system up after 5-10 mins and then it's f'd until you let it cool down (won't play anything blu-ray).

I got my slim PS3 a few days after Thanksgiving last year and I'm already having problems with it.

A few weeks ago I put a blu-ray disc in and it had trouble reading it. I had to eject it and put it back in a few times before it would work. I assumed it was the disc but it continued to happen with other discs and now I can't get any to play at all. DVDs and CDs still work fine.
I got my slim PS3 a few days after Thanksgiving last year and I'm already having problems with it.

A few weeks ago I put a blu-ray disc in and it had trouble reading it. I had to eject it and put it back in a few times before it would work. I assumed it was the disc but it continued to happen with other discs and now I can't get any to play at all. DVDs and CDs still work fine.

It should still be under warranty. Call their customer service hotline to set up a repair request.
I got my slim PS3 a few days after Thanksgiving last year and I'm already having problems with it.

A few weeks ago I put a blu-ray disc in and it had trouble reading it. I had to eject it and put it back in a few times before it would work. I assumed it was the disc but it continued to happen with other discs and now I can't get any to play at all. DVDs and CDs still work fine.

It should still be under warranty. Call their customer service hotline to set up a repair request.

:lecture Definitely call Sony and chew them out. Sucks that their redesigned systems are having more problems than the older fat ones.
It should still be under warranty. Call their customer service hotline to set up a repair request.

:lecture Definitely call Sony and chew them out. Sucks that their redesigned systems are having more problems than the older fat ones.

Yeah, I need to give them a call tomorrow.

I've been busy gaming on my 360 the past few months, so I don't miss that aspect of it too much, but it sucks not being able to watch Blu-ray.
My fatty 60gb PS3 still works perfectly and I bought it back when it launched. Don't want to jinx anything though, so that's all I'll say of it.
The Netflix updated is up. Go to the PSN store and install it today!!! No more disc!!! :rock

~~~The new interface is much, much better. I'm liking it more than the 360's so far. Has an iTunes Coverflow vibe.
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The Netflix updated is up. Go to the PSN store and install it today!!! No more disc!!! :rock

~~~The new interface is much, much better. I'm liking it more than the 360's so far. Has an iTunes Coverflow vibe.

Cant wait....I shall not need to stream from the 360 anymore - though I've had no serious issues

Only thing: my 360 has a wonky connection from 10p-Midnight with the PS3 never having an issue for the same timeframe
Not really a fan of the new interface. It looks pretty and all, but it's just really not intuitive. Half the time, I don't know where to click or what to press. Previous interface was a lot more simple.
Despite my reservations about the interface (which my wife thinks I am insane to complain about), the videos load *a lot* faster and fast forward/rewind is amazing. It's definitely a welcome upgrade and I'll warm up to the interface.
I really want a ps3. I have waited a long time to get one. I have been patient, the price has come down a lot. And there is a good deal right now on one with the 'move' bundle. It's still A LOT more money than I want to spend. Not that the money isn't there, but spending it is not fun. This would be a Christmas present.

We've had a lot of sick pets in this house lately, so that has been tough for us and have had to give up some collectibles because of it. But this money is 'free' money as it was a gift (from the passing of my grandparents recently) so it 'could' be used for this Christmas gift.

Back to my 'should I' rant...should I? I feel like there will be sales for it on Black Friday/Blitz Friday, but I also feel like it will be a mad house trying to get one and may have to fight people for it. Which I wont. And that a little closer to Christmas, it will be all sold out if I don't jump now. Can anyone offer up some real advice? Should I get it, is it worth it, should I get it now, or wait for sales?