Playstation 3 Thread

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So this means they will play ps2 games? That would be nice. I have a few that I still want to play but do not feel like getting out my ps2. I want to finish the hitman trilogy. I'm so far behind. Still on the first game. BUT...seems like I am much more into the ps3 stuff because I just got Tomb Raider Underworld and I'm at Natla, the boss. So go me!

After that I am either going to finish Ratchet and Clank, or start Uncharted. Haven't decided yet.
Has anyone heard of a release date for a software update that will allow the new PS3 to be 100% backwards compatible?

I thought I heard a rumor that after the PS2 is discontinued, an update will be released. Any truth to that?

That would be neat. Sony has to do it at some point... :dunno
PS2 compatibility is nothing more than a pipe dream. If backwards compatibility was something Sony wanted us to have, we'd have it by now. Heck, they would've never taken it away in the first place.

Not gonna happen. Sorry.
Agreed. If you wanted the backwards compatibility you should have bought an earlier launch system like I. Sometimes you get rewarded for being an early adopter. You can't jump on the train late and complain now.
Agreed. If you wanted the backwards compatibility you should have bought an earlier launch system like I. Sometimes you get rewarded for being an early adopter. You can't jump on the train late and complain now.

I did...bought a 60 GB the first month it came out. Unfortunately, it died and I had to buy a new one. There's no trains or complaining. Just a question.
Backwords compatibility would be nice but I agree I don't see it happening, at least for awhile. Hell they're still pumping out PS2 games and last I checked the PS2 is still in production so no real need right now.
I want to get a good headset so I can talk to all my crazy friends when I play. Can anyone help me find a top of the line headset? If they made Bose headset for the ps3, we'd be good to go.
I just have my ps2 slim out with the ps2 wireless controller.
I did have a 60gb ps3 but hated the piano gloss black finish so sold it and bought a new slim , still i never used the memory card slots or played ps2 games on it.
I think its crap that Sony cant throw you a bone and give you a decent head set. I mean how do they expect there online fanbase to grow
I think its crap that Sony cant throw you a bone and give you a decent head set. I mean how do they expect there online fanbase to grow

:lecture Definitely. The 360 comes with one even though it's a P.O.S. I know you can get a cheap Motorola one off of Ebay for $5-10 though. The official Sony one is pretty decent too. Unfortunately I remember buying the turd SOCOM pack so I could get it. Traded that game in 3 days later.
:lecture Definitely. The 360 comes with one even though it's a P.O.S. I know you can get a cheap Motorola one off of Ebay for $5-10 though. The official Sony one is pretty decent too. Unfortunately I remember buying the turd SOCOM pack so I could get it. Traded that game in 3 days later.

Hmm thats a good idea, can you still get the "turd pack" Id take the head phones and trade the game in also.
Would anyone suggest the bluetooth headset for this? I am wanting to get one.

I just picked up Uncharted 2 and Call of Duty 4. I hope I made a good decision with Call of Duty 4. Never played any. But I wanted to try it out. I like shooting things. Just not sure how I will like first person shooters.
Would anyone suggest the bluetooth headset for this? I am wanting to get one.

I just picked up Uncharted 2 and Call of Duty 4. I hope I made a good decision with Call of Duty 4. Never played any. But I wanted to try it out. I like shooting things. Just not sure how I will like first person shooters.

COD 4 is the best COD ever made and the best shooter of the decade. Uncharted 2 is one of the best games on the PS3 and this console gen.

Two great choices, better late than never. Not sure how robust the COD online community is now with 3 later games out, shouldn't have any problems finding games though.
Two great choices, better late than never. Not sure how robust the COD online community is now with 3 later games out, shouldn't have any problems finding games though.

Modern Warfare is still going strong. I bought it again a couple weeks ago, and jumped online to quite a few people still playing. I definitely miss a lot of the maps from that game.
The map pack for COD4 was great and like hairlesswookiee pointed out, there are still a good bit of people playing on the PS3.
You must not play many shooters. :rotfl

Oh contraire, I play a great many shooters. I've played a lot, especially the past few years. Nothing comes close to COD 4 in terms of multiplayer and solo, it set the bar so high. There have been other great shooters, but nothing meeting the standards COD4 set.
Oh contraire, I play a great many shooters. I've played a lot, especially the past few years. Nothing comes close to COD 4 in terms of multiplayer and solo, it set the bar so high. There have been other great shooters, but nothing meeting the standards COD4 set.

I have to agree with you Starkiller. I got into Bad Company 2 upon it's release and the same with Battlefield 2, but I always found myself back to playing COD. I've tried games like Killzone, Medal of Honor, Counter Strike...but honestly none of them have what COD4 or even MW2 has. It's going to take a lot to pass the greatness of the COD series.
Hmm, sad. I really need to stay on top of this. Only problem is, the games are so expensive and I can't fathom spending the high prices for them once they come out. I guess that's the 'price' I pay for waiting, having no one to play with me.

How do I find people who are still playing COD 4 on the network? I am still trying to figure all of this out!