Playstation 3 Thread

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I really want a ps3. I have waited a long time to get one. I have been patient, the price has come down a lot. And there is a good deal right now on one with the 'move' bundle. It's still A LOT more money than I want to spend. Not that the money isn't there, but spending it is not fun. This would be a Christmas present.

We've had a lot of sick pets in this house lately, so that has been tough for us and have had to give up some collectibles because of it. But this money is 'free' money as it was a gift (from the passing of my grandparents recently) so it 'could' be used for this Christmas gift.

Back to my 'should I' rant...should I? I feel like there will be sales for it on Black Friday/Blitz Friday, but I also feel like it will be a mad house trying to get one and may have to fight people for it. Which I wont. And that a little closer to Christmas, it will be all sold out if I don't jump now. Can anyone offer up some real advice? Should I get it, is it worth it, should I get it now, or wait for sales?

Sorry to hear about your grandparents.

I say go for it. Its a great game system plus a blu ray player so you cant go wrong there. I have been thinking about getting move myself here lately just cause I like the archery stuff and still play Wii Sports from time to time with the family.
I second Kain's reply.

As for sales, I'd recommend purchasing from Amazon as they don't charge you sales tax. Not sure what the sales tax is in Texas (or if there's even one) but buying from Amzon saves me anywhere from $15 to $25 depending on which PS3 I would buy (sales tax is 5% for me). Also, if you could be patient, I'd wait. My launch PS3 died in May and I haven't replaced it yet. I concretely remember that last year Amazon offered a deal where you got an $150 Amazon giftcard with the purchase of a console. I'm hoping that deal pops up again.
I second Kain's reply.

As for sales, I'd recommend purchasing from Amazon as they don't charge you sales tax. Not sure what the sales tax is in Texas (or if there's even one) but buying from Amzon saves me anywhere from $15 to $25 depending on which PS3 I would buy (sales tax is 5% for me). Also, if you could be patient, I'd wait. My launch PS3 died in May and I haven't replaced it yet. I concretely remember that last year Amazon offered a deal where you got an $150 Amazon giftcard with the purchase of a console. I'm hoping that deal pops up again.

We were definitely going with Amazon and the reason was the taxes. I love that we would save about $38.00 on it. I have had it pulled up for a couple of days on Amazon, trying to decide. But a gc with it, that's amazing. When did that happen? November? My worry is that they will sell out before I can get it. I would be pretty sad about that.
The PS3 is still the best value for a blu-ray player out there. You get blu-ray + Netflix + games. What's not to like?

(this is coming from a card carrying Sony-hater, btw)
I got the 320 gig with the move after my old fat 40gig blew up on me and the warranty was long gone. I hope I don't have any problems for at least 2 years with it.
Got my laser fixed here locally for $130. Quicker and cheaper than sending to Sony. But I guess I should test it first before saying it's fixed. :slap :lol
I can't believe so many here are having all these problems with the PS3. So it goes from a 300/400+ machine to $450/$550. let me know when they drop the price to $200.

The PS3 is still the best value for a blu-ray player out there. You get blu-ray + Netflix + games. What's not to like?

(this is coming from a card carrying Sony-hater, btw)

You pretty much get all that from most BR players minus the games, but for less.
We were definitely going with Amazon and the reason was the taxes. I love that we would save about $38.00 on it. I have had it pulled up for a couple of days on Amazon, trying to decide. But a gc with it, that's amazing. When did that happen? November? My worry is that they will sell out before I can get it. I would be pretty sad about that.

I can't remember exactly when Amazon ran this deal, but i wanna say it was the holiday season. Just keep checking. :peace
Amazon has a lightning "deal" for the PS3 Move's only $.02 off, but you get a $50 game credit.

Not good enough for me, I'll pass, but I thought I'd post it for those who may be interested.
Hulu Plus dropped it's price to $7.99 today and offered a free trial. Now if only they could get some shows... :monkey4
Has anyone heard of a release date for a software update that will allow the new PS3 to be 100% backwards compatible?

I thought I heard a rumor that after the PS2 is discontinued, an update will be released. Any truth to that?
Has anyone heard of a release date for a software update that will allow the new PS3 to be 100% backwards compatible?

I thought I heard a rumor that after the PS2 is discontinued, an update will be released. Any truth to that?

That would be pretty awesome if its actually true. Perfect for those old games that hard to find or cheap games sitting in the used bins that will play now. Hope this is real, maybe my PS3 will actually get some playtime besides being a fulltime Blu player.