Playstation 3 Thread

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Hmm, sad. I really need to stay on top of this. Only problem is, the games are so expensive and I can't fathom spending the high prices for them once they come out. I guess that's the 'price' I pay for waiting, having no one to play with me.

How do I find people who are still playing COD 4 on the network? I am still trying to figure all of this out!

I guess 'high prices' is all in the eye of the beholder, some games are totally worthy $60...others aren't so I wait. I don't even want to think about how much money I have spent on games and systems. Man it's gotta be over like 8,000.

Playing with people is easy, just go to multiplayer and select online, and the game mode you want to play. It will find you a match and you will jump right in, you can also invite friends from your friend list if they are online.
Hmm, sad. I really need to stay on top of this. Only problem is, the games are so expensive and I can't fathom spending the high prices for them once they come out. I guess that's the 'price' I pay for waiting, having no one to play with me.

How do I find people who are still playing COD 4 on the network? I am still trying to figure all of this out!

$60 is the norm for games. I remember the 16-bit games being in the same price range with a few that spilled into the $80 range. (Street Fighter II for the Genesis) The trick is to find a game that you'll play more than 2-3 times, and the price will seem more than worth it.
I need to get it out of my mind that I need the game the day it comes out. Heck if you wait even a few weeks you can save about $20, especially online. I bought Black Ops for $60 the day it came out, one month's $40 online.

You pay more to play it before other people...that's how it goes. I always try to get a deal on games, at least gift cards or something towards another game. I only preorder if there is some pay off for me.
Same here. The only games I pay full price for are the ones I know will be awesome such as Black ops, RDR, Brotherhood, etc.

The problem is, most games are either hit or miss so you can't really tell if it's going to be really great or not.

~~Even RPGs are hard to gauge an impression on at first.
Demos help me a lot. Games I have interest in, I sometimes check off my list after playing the demo. games I don't have interest in, sometimes make my list after playing a surprisingly fun demo.
I still find it absurd that World at War is still selling for $30. I remember buying it at Best Buy a week after it's release for $35 new.

Yeah go do a search for Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition...look at the absurd price that thing is going for. At I dont care if its the "ultimate sith edition" or not. Just because it has the DLC included doesnt make it worth what its going for on ebay.

As gamestop I seen it for $55 next to Force Unleashed II that was also going for $55 used...thats just crazy.
Yeah go do a search for Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition...look at the absurd price that thing is going for. At I dont care if its the "ultimate sith edition" or not. Just because it has the DLC included doesnt make it worth what its going for on ebay.

As gamestop I seen it for $55 next to Force Unleashed II that was also going for $55 used...thats just crazy.

That's dumb. I got the Sith Edition over a year ago for under $30 new.
Yeah go do a search for Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition...look at the absurd price that thing is going for. At I dont care if its the "ultimate sith edition" or not. Just because it has the DLC included doesnt make it worth what its going for on ebay.

As gamestop I seen it for $55 next to Force Unleashed II that was also going for $55 used...thats just crazy.

Lol.....that game isn't even worth $30 new. If it was a full game this might be a different story, but every user review I've seen reported the same problem--- fun game, but terribly short. As in 3-4 hours total completion time.
Sometimes when I go to quit a game, the entire ps3 shuts off and restarts on it's own. Does that ever happen to anyone else?
Sometimes when I go to quit a game, the entire ps3 shuts off and restarts on it's own. Does that ever happen to anyone else?

Never happened to me. That doesn't sound good at all. :monkey4 How are you quitting the game? Through XMB or a long press on the PS button?
It seems like Sony and consequently the PS3 may be well and truly screwed now that it's encryption keys have been leaked.

For those who don't understand the implications of this, now that these keys are publicly available any piece of code whether it be official software or a homebrew app can be run without the need to modify the console in any way.
It will also be extremely difficult or even impossible for Sony to detect and ban anyone doing this and equally as difficult to patch the system to "close the hole".

Obviously piracy will now be a major problem as it is now possible to just burn a signed iso of a game and have it play just like an original disc.

The other problem, and my own personal biggest concern is the inevitable flood of dirty cheating bastards on the online titles.
It makes me very sad to think that playstation's online games could end up similar to the likes of Mario Kart Wii, a game that I used to enjoy playing but gave up on after every race had some twunt with infinite blue shells ruining it for everyone else. :mad:

Just when the PS3 finally looked like it was hitting its stride something like this happens, I really hope that the selfish actions of a few cheating, stealing scumbags won't ruin what was looking like an amazing year for PS3 gamers. :pray:
Never happened to me. That doesn't sound good at all. :monkey4 How are you quitting the game? Through XMB or a long press on the PS button?

I usually press the ps button, but I don't hold it. Then I go up to quit game. Sometimes I will hit pause and then main menu, then quit. It's happened, I would say about...4 times now.
I usually press the ps button, but I don't hold it. Then I go up to quit game. Sometimes I will hit pause and then main menu, then quit. It's happened, I would say about...4 times now.

I've had the occasional problem exiting games before. In my case the screen fades to black like it's going to quit as normal but stays black for about 10 seconds, beeps 3 times and finally restarts.

If that is what yours is doing I wouldn't worry too much, it seems to be a fairly common issue.
I usually hold the PS buttong down until the "turn the console off" text appears or whatever it says in that regards.

As for the encryption big deal. The only thing thats going to happen is piracy will go up. Cheating online was going on way before any encriptions keys were leaked. Cheating and online games pretty much go hand in hand, its sad, but its the truth.
As for the encryption big deal. The only thing thats going to happen is piracy will go up. Cheating online was going on way before any encriptions keys were leaked. Cheating and online games pretty much go hand in hand, its sad, but its the truth.

Normally running pirated games takes a bit of effort whether it be software or hardware mods and that puts most people off. If I understand it correctly the encryption keys mean that pirated games will just work without any need to do anything other than download an ISO and burn it. That's what worries me, when things like this are made that easy far more people might be tempted to do it, and piracy on a large scale if a very bad thing for developers and gamers alike.

As for cheating there's a BIG difference in the sort of cheating that occurs atm such as using exploits within games and the cheats that are possible with homebrew. Think Call of Duty multiplayer with god mode and infinite ammo...

I hope your right and that it's nothing to worry about, but I've never seen a console be this badly compromised ever before.