Playstation 4

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Yeah. This is why I've never done it. Way to much of a pain in the ass.

Yeah, but it's inevitable though. There's no way the PS4 could sustain even casual gaming due to the meager 500GB space. I have about 7-8 games I had to delete to make way for something else and that's getting annoying.
Get an SSHD drive from Seagate :lecture.

Do you have any links? I don't see a 2.5" SSHD.

In any case, I got the Seagate Backup Plus 2TB, seems like the cheapest option around. :lol


Oh well, I already bought my drive, and at a decent price of $80. Yeah, it's an external drive, which is cheaper than an actual 2.5" drive for some reason. Now to buy an external one to backup P.T..
Tony, just being able to do regular stuff on your new pc youll be excited, everything will be better. Also, dual monitors, ftw. Once you go dual you wont go back.

Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk
The PS4 is still a good console. But, it's funny, even with a GTX 650 you'll more than often than not, be able to match the PS4's graphical capabilities. Gaming PCs are becoming more popular, along with Steam. So, I have to wonder if there will even be another console generation, considering how fast the tech is falling behind (no 4K support, barely any native support for 1080p on the Xbone to speak of, etc).
I feel like Sony and Microsoft both dropped the ball and played it entirely too safe as far as hardware is concerned. If I recall correctly the previous generation of consoles launched with graphic cards that were a match for the highest end PC cards.. at least on paper. Not only did both systems chose to go with technology that had already been surpassed.. They came out with identical systems aside from the memory configuration.

Because the increase in graphical performance is smaller than the leap from ps2 to ps3, developers are getting lazy and using the same engines that they developed for the previous generation. Lots of current generation games look like previous generation games in higher resolution and maybe some added lighting and particle effects.

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Tony, just being able to do regular stuff on your new pc youll be excited, everything will be better. Also, dual monitors, ftw. Once you go dual you wont go back.

Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk

What are the benefits of dual?

The PS4 is still a good console. But, it's funny, even with a GTX 650 you'll more than often than not, be able to match the PS4's graphical capabilities. Gaming PCs are becoming more popular, along with Steam. So, I have to wonder if there will even be another console generation, considering how fast the tech is falling behind (no 4K support, barely any native support for 1080p on the Xbone to speak of, etc).

I'm sure there will be, since they're a cheaper alternative to PCs. I'm genuinely surprised Nintendo even bothers with their consoles since more than a decade they've put out failures. I bought GC for REmake and TTS, and I got the Wii since it was the "hot" thing to buy. It started collecting dust almost immediately.
PS4 was Ratchet, inFAMOUS and Uncharted for me...and a potential God of War IV.

Wii U is kind of a failure to Nintendo since they're already planning their next console this year, the others weren't so bad. It's strange. But you can't really guess how heavily Japan based companies work, at all.
I feel like Sony and Microsoft both dropped the ball and played it entirely too safe as far as hardware is concerned. If I recall correctly the previous generation of consoles launched with graphic cards that were a match for the highest end PC cards.. at least on paper. Not only did both systems chose to go with technology that had already been surpassed.. They came out with identical systems aside from the memory configuration.

Because the increase in graphical performance is smaller than the leap from ps2 to ps3, developers are getting lazy and using the same engines that they developed for the previous generation. Lots of current generation games look like previous generation games in higher resolution and maybe some added lighting and particle effects.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

One thing to remember though is that consoles can get a lot more performance out of the hardware than PC's can. Like last generation consoles could run GTAV at 720p, and that's with 256MB of memory on the PS3.

Though for VR, I don't think they'll be able to make a headset that can run more than 1080p which will be a huge issue.
tony, dual, triple, ect. monitors give you more desk space. its not the same thing as getting a bigger monitor which is great for making things bigger and having a better view. dual monitors give you more places to put windows. for instance, i put a youtube video on one while i browse ssf and other stuff of that nature on the other. you can research and compare things side by side instead of flipping tabs and just trying to remember the last thing you saw. trust me, its the way to go and youll thank me for mentioning it if thats the route you go. plus your new rig can most definitely handle it without even flinching.
Hmm maybe I'll look into it in the future. First things first, I need a single new monitor get me started. I talked it over with Sol, and I think I'm going for 24'.
ive been debating on selling my ps4 because i just dont use it anymore. i think i was just in the hype of it and felt i needed one but i was never even remotely considering an xbone. if i do use it its to play blurays from redbox. i have a bunch of great games for it too, i just cant be bothered with loading them. im at my pc most of the time and i have a blue ps4 controller connected to it via blue tooth, if i wanted to play a game faster/better looking , without loading a disk, and without getting out of my chair i can just use my pc. the only reason to keep the ps4 is to play exclusives. i just dont want to sell it off and have remorse down the road, plus i need something to put into my tv stand until i get a dedicated mini pc.