You bring out a lot of good points about many of the changes, but I think my problem is still the battle itself. Maybe because I am so burned out from the same look pokemon had throughout the years including the battle layouts and mechanics. I just want the company to try to mix it up a little like:
1. Pokemon can now hold 5 items.
2. Pokemon can now have 6 moves instead of 4.
3. In 2 vs 2 battles, man of the pokemon moves can be combined into a tag team move for more damage and/or status ailments. Squirtle uses Surf while Pikachu uses Thunderbolt on the Surf. The move combine and turns into uhhh...Rolling Thunder Storm and hits both enemy pokemon as a water and electric attack with a higher chance to paralyze them.
4. Instead of having the pokemon stay in one spot while they wait for their command, why don't they move around on the battlefield like current RPGs nowadays?
5. Attacks over time build up some kind of 3 level meter that can allow you do do things in battle. 3 full bar enable you to command a pokemon on the field to do their SUPER move or you can full revive a fainted pokemon(only ONCE per battle). Using 1 bar your pokemon braces itself for an incoming attack for reduced damage while 2 bar your pokemon dodges the attack. The 1 and 2 bar uses can be some kind of quick time event that you have to press the button to counter as soon as the command prompt flashes on the screen. You choose if you want to press it right away block or dodge. Pressing it at the wrong time will waste your bar so you have to be careful.
I got many other ideas but at some point it might as well turn into a pokemon fighting game with meters, wall bounces, ground bounces, and air combos like Marvel vs Capcom 3.
I still think my option of 1 and 2 can be looked at in the future, but may make the game really complex or something. Certain combination of items on a certain top tier pokemon can wreck an entire team with ease or combinations of items can make a low tier pokemon really good. Going for 6 moves instead 4 is a move I like.
I still plan on getting this game and hope that it will make me feel like a kid again. I am simply a 1st generation pokemon fan that got so burned right ever Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal. I later tried to get back in on Pokemon Platinum, beat it, and felt underwhelmed. Game felt so old and outdated. I watched my little cousin play Black and White and it didn't spark any interest. Now X and Y comes around and I feel this could be a good time to test the franchise again. I hope Flygon is in it as he was one of my new favorite Pokemon from Platinum. If not, maybe I will just try buying a used pokemon cartridge on ebay with all these pokemon and put them in the pokebank to transfer.