PREDATOR 1 Remake???!!

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Because to some of us, these things ARE personal. I grew up with these things. My dad took me to see Alien Res when it came out, I loved it....except for the Newborn....and one day my dad surprised me with the AvP game, and we played that thing forever. It was a big part of my childhood. I wont say they "raped my childhood", but yeah, i'm takin it personally.
I dont get why either fan takes it so personally? They're not family members or anything personal to us, they're just movie monsters. The Alien and the Predators arent football teams, why do some of us feel we have to root for one over the other?

We're all fans of both creatures arent we? Sure I like preds better than aliens but I dont root for either one and could care less if one species won the battle over the other. Its just cool to see them fight. I will never understand why this rivalry between the sides exists.

Yeah, I'm a fan of both, but I know when I like something over something else... there is a bias there.

I like Predators a lot more than I like Aliens, if you don't understand favoritism, I'm sorry. As much as I like seeing a long, fair fight between the two, I'd also watch a two hour music video of a badass Predator slaughtering hundreds of Aliens.
yeah u cant whine about aliens getting their ass kicked by predators. preds are smarter with good technoligy. and aliens are just in for the food and crap.
To me, rooting for one species over the other would be as ridiculous and illogical as choosing which one of my would-be children I like best. I grew up watching both of them around 1988.
yeah u cant whine about aliens getting their ass kicked by predators. preds are smarter with good technoligy. and aliens are just in for the food and crap.

Let me guess...your first Alien or Predator movie was AvP. :rotfl
yeah u cant whine about aliens getting their ass kicked by predators. preds are smarter with good technoligy. and aliens are just in for the food and crap.

You know absolutly nothing about this series. If you did, you'd be wrong. Predators are morons. Period. They may be clever, but they're cocky as hell, and that kills them. EVERY TIME.

Predator fans give us bad movies. :(
Let me guess...your first Alien or Predator movie was AvP. :rotfl

You know absolutly nothing about this series. If you did, you'd be wrong. Predators are morons. Period. They may be clever, but they're cocky as hell, and that kills them. EVERY TIME.

Predator fans give us bad movies. :(

getting raped by alien fans lol. and AvP wasnt the first one i saw, Predator was ofc.

im not going to dive into this argument since i really cant see the point. some pepole like aliens, some predators. but predators are smarter than aliens, wether they are stupid or not. period.

and what makes u think i dont know nothing about the series since i have seen all the movies like prolly you? what makes u think u know more than me?
Because I know the Aliens arent stupid? Watch Alien. The Alien never once did anything over cocky to get itself killed. Only reason it did is because it was already dying.

Oh and who got the first kill in AvP? Aliens. Thats right. Aliens are smarter. Period.

Predators are cool....but they piss me off because they keep listening to biased loud fanboys who want the Predators to win. And guess what, they got it, and the series is ruined forever. Thanks Predator fans!
and if the aliens would have won in AvP:R, the series would have not been ruined? nice thinking.
and just because aliens are stronger than some predators, that means they are smarter too? i really cant understand the way u think. its bizzare.
No, the movie would've sucked. But no, what happend with AvP-R is, the Aliens lost. Not the movie, but they just lost. Aliens can never ever be on film again, no one can take them seriously, thats what the movie did.

And yes, Aliens are smarter. Stop watching Aliens, and watch the other movies. Jeeesus.

Predators are smart.
Aliens are smart.
Predators are morons. Period. They may be clever, but they're cocky as hell, and that kills them. EVERY TIME.(

I don't think they are cocky. The predators believe in honor and if they feel that his prey is not equally matched the predator will
1. Leave them alone and not kill them (like the girl in predator 2, I forget her name)
2. He will not use some of his weapons (like when he fought dutch).

This is my opinion of course.
No. They are cocky. If they werent, why didnt Celtic just throw a disc at Grid? Why didnt the Predator just jump on Glover and kill him, why didnt the Predator just stab Arnold when he had the chance?

Or in AvP-R (which was indeed the dumbest movie both the Predator and the Alien ever made) when Wolf walked alll the way across the roof, slowly takes off his gear, and then SLOWLY takes off his mask.....why didnt the Predalien attack him?? Stupid!
No, the movie would've sucked. But no, what happend with AvP-R is, the Aliens lost. Not the movie, but they just lost. Aliens can never ever be on film again, no one can take them seriously, thats what the movie did.

And yes, Aliens are smarter. Stop watching Aliens, and watch the other movies. Jeeesus.

Predators are smart.
Aliens are smart.

alien, aliens, alein 3 and resurrection - they are all the same good. and i could tell u the same to stop watching all the other movies but aliens, because aliens only dominate if their enemies dont have worthy weapons, just like in aliens. in alien and alien 3 there were "truckdrivers" and prisoners.

it just isnt possible for a being to ALWAYS outrun and kill the holder of a weapon. if you'd use abit more logic u'd understand me.
im not saying aliens are losers or anything but they just arent as good as predators (who hold weapons).
alien, aliens, alein 3 and resurrection - they are all the same good. and i could tell u the same to stop watching all the other movies but aliens, because aliens only dominate if their enemies dont have worthy weapons, just like in aliens. in alien and alien 3 there were "truckdrivers" and prisoners.

it just isnt possible for a being to ALWAYS outrun and kill the holder of a weapon. if you'd use abit more logic u'd understand me.
im not saying aliens are losers or anything but they just arent as good as predators (who hold weapons).

Oh and guess what, they killed almost half of the entire marine squad...and THEY HAD WEAPONS. Oohh. Whats that tell ya?
You make a good point fawk3s.

Let's not use the AVP films here for deducing probabilities, most of us can agree they're trash.

A human with no equipment what so ever would lose in combat with a bear. There is the off chance the human cleverly uses his environment to gain the advantage and win, but 99% of the time, the smart money would be on the bear.

Now, equip that human with the best hunting technology available, and its flipped. The human, with his guns, camo, and tricks wins.

Now, I'm sure some of you are thinking this analogy is ridiculous because an alien and a bear do not compare, but really the alien has that great an advantage in close combat over a predator with no equipment. They are bio engineered living weapons.

There's a reason we now stand above bears on the food chain, and its the same reason predators stand above aliens.

Also, Titanic rules!:lol
the thing is.... alien and predator in terms of this type of detail are completely different.
They are in completely different enviroments , they are against different people trained ( or not trained ) in different ways and I don't think aliens are more intelligent than predators or predators are more intelligent than aliens.
AVP simply shown unless your a predator fan and love to see a predator kicking the crap out of an alien queen or an alien fan and love to see the grid alien kicking the crap out of two predators then being killed by a woman who also had time to call it names , we just arn't going to agree on alot of things.

If an alien was in predator 1 or 2 or a predator was in alien , aliens etc and just came in randomly and could ruin the movie completley by killing off the alien(s) or predator(s) we would have a more valid argument.
The aliens and predators in all these movies are as clever as they need to be in order to make the movie work.

Imagine if in Jurassic park we knew the raptors could use the door handles , when the scene where it finally opens the door happens it wouldn't have had any effect.

At that part of the movie they were smart but was that raptor smart when it was picked up by the trex at the end ?.
No !. :lol

Anderson gave a little bit of awesome to both predator and alien fans ..... the strause bros more to the predator fans but hey !. We got two more original movies anyway.

Arguing which species ( if thats what you want to call em :lol ) is more intelligent is pointless. We could maybe come to the conclusion after hours and hours or months and months that the majorety of people on here think that predators are more intelligent ( I'm not saying alien since I prefer them and a super fan could verbally attack me ) but then someone could say something regarding a certain scene with an alien doing something intelligent and it all starts again...

Pointless IMO...

But hey !. Feel free to continue !.... :lol