PREDATOR 1 Remake???!!

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Predators are morons. Period. They may be clever, but they're cocky as hell, and that kills them. EVERY TIME.

Predator fans give us bad movies. :(
Arent you a Predator fan too? Thats what I'm talking about, we're all fans of both (or so I thought) so why do you mind one winning over the other. You like them both dont you????
Oh and who got the first kill in AvP? Aliens. Thats right. Aliens are smarter. Period.

Predators are cool....but they piss me off because they keep listening to biased loud fanboys who want the Predators to win. And guess what, they got it, and the series is ruined forever. Thanks Predator fans!
Dude, it's fiction, it's make-believe, someone wrote that the Alien got the first kill. That mini-rant of yours just then made you sound like Chris Rock.
Aliens are smarter. Stop watching Aliens, and watch the other movies. Jeeesus.
But you used Aliens as evidence that they were smarter cos they killed a handful of unarmed amrines in an ambush?
No. They are cocky. If they werent, why didnt Celtic just throw a disc at Grid? Why didnt the Predator just jump on Glover and kill him, why didnt the Predator just stab Arnold when he had the chance?!
Preds fight with honour, fighting with weapons all the time is too easy. They enjoy the thrill of the hunt and the challenge.

Anyway, yeah - I'm hoping for a sequel rather than remake/re-imagining - I really dont want them to mess with Predator lore or change anything about the creatures cos then it'll make the previous films redundant if Fox "update" the franchise with a new film.
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fantasy or not, but we are geeky fans. so that explains it.

anywayz, im a fan of both. but u have to accept the fact that predators are more advanced ergo smarter and more experienced during the hunt too.
Any new Predator movies are welcomed by me.
If they make it with 3 Preds, I'll be happy. I don't over analyze fantasy movies. That's why I've enjoyed all the Alien & Predator movies.
any new predator movies means that i will be adding another 1/6th pred to my collection but it would stink if they did a remake of p1..
fantasy or not, but we are geeky fans. so that explains it.

anywayz, im a fan of both. but u have to accept the fact that predators are more advanced ergo smarter and more experienced during the hunt too.

As big of a Predator fan as I am, I don't think it's fair to say they're smarter.

They're two very, very different creatures - while the Predator race is closer in terms of being like us (technology, problem solving, some kind of language, etc), the Aliens are a whole other organism entirely.

I'd say they're both intelligent, just in different ways.
As big of a Predator fan as I am, I don't think it's fair to say they're smarter.

They're two very, very different creatures - while the Predator race is closer in terms of being like us (technology, problem solving, some kind of language, etc), the Aliens are a whole other organism entirely.

I'd say they're both intelligent, just in different ways.

Predator deserves the upper hand in intelligence. Invention and innovation alone should make this a no brainer.

Alien deserves the upper hand in instinct.

At the end of the day, which attribute propels either race on top when going up against each other is what is open for debate.
Give me an isolated location like a jungle again and I will be happy. :rock
sssooo... how would that be different from a remake?
As stupid an idea as this sounds, I would much prefer a half-way decent Pred "re-envisioning" over another ^^^^ty Alien vs. Predator movie.
and they could do much worse than Rodriguez. he actually makes good movies.
it could just as easily be Michael Bay, or they could even bring back Paul Anderson.
there's no such thing as cynicism when it comes to FOX.
The only thing Predators have against Aliens are the fact that they use weapons.
yep. and that worked out pretty well for the marines...
also, predators can be outsmarted by Arnold.
A Bay Predator movie.......I can get behind that. He'll deliver. Its not like the Predator movies were ever deep or anything. Just a big tough guy, one liners, and great action.
A Bay Predator movie.......I can get behind that. He'll deliver. Its not like the Predator movies were ever deep or anything. Just a big tough guy, one liners, and great action.
hmm. nah, i'm gonna have to disagree. as far as the 1st predator movie anyway.
the 1st one was basically a scifi/action-remake of Beowulf and it had some great dialogue and character development.
the 2nd one was where it kinda went the cheesy action movie route.
Good characters yes. I mean, they werent groundbreaking or deep. You cared for them enough. No different then any Bay movie. Or atleast his good ones...
Good characters yes. I mean, they werent groundbreaking or deep. You cared for them enough. No different then any Bay movie. Or atleast his good ones...
If Bay made a Predator movie, it would have obnoxious action, MUSICAL SCORES, characters, and plot. The whole concept of Predator - the hunters becoming the hunted would be lost on Bay. If predator 1 came off to you as a mindless action flick, watch it again.
The only thing Predators have against Aliens are the fact that they use weapons.

Which is factual proof of a higher intelligence. Our ability to invent puts us above some creatures with a true killer instinct on this planet.

Aliens have an insanely evolved killer instinct, but instinct is a different matter. Potentially a more dangerous matter.

Anyway, look no further for a real reason why aliens will always lose in these movies other than Aliens are bonafied monsters, predators are more like us. We can identify we predators as an audience, and that is something movie makers take advantage of. I just wish they'd take advantage of it to the point where they realize the audience doesn't need Humans on screen.
Show me that it isnt...

Seriously, Predator is great, but it is, by no means, "high cinema"

Watch it again and look how much justice they give the concept of predator, from the casting, characters (mostly macho male), musical score, timing of reveal of the monster itself, all these things work to make it more than a mindless action flick, more than a micheal bay movie. Its not mind breaking cinema, but you obviously can't grasp what makes it special.