PREDATOR 1 Remake???!!

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Aye, it would have made a damn good movie... I think that was supposed to be the basis of Predator 2, obviously though, it got changed.

BIG GAME AS A FREAKIN' MOVIE? Hell yes! Especially if they stuck with the location being in New Mexico - I could try out as an extra, and oh buddy, if I got it and happened to get killed by Predator (sorta like the no name guys no one cared about in the penthouse scene in P2), I'd be so ^^^^ing stoked.

Plasma shot to the head, getting sliced in half, impaled, whatever. God, that'd be ^^^^ing awesome.

I agree! Big Game rocked. I enjoyed the end battle a bit more then the Arnold one. It had a lot more meaning. IMO.
Take the Predator out. Without it, its nothing. The Predator MADE it special.
WRONG! Did you forget that we never even saw the Predator until it came out of the water in that 20 mins of the film?????? It was never in the film in the first place, seen nor heard hardlyafter the main bulk of the film was over. The whole film was about a team being stalked by an UNKNOWN/UNSEEN force. Are you sure you're a fan?
You're late to the party. And I find the first half very dull. So the Predator makes the movie for me.

Christ, I already explained this.
Seriously, Predator is great, but it is, by no means, "high cinema"
You think the Alien movies are by comparison? Predator is one of the best-made action films of the 80s. It's not just action but a suspense-thriller and carefully depicts fear within the characters without even revealing the villain till the last 20 mins. John McTiernan is a lumenarie of the action genre. Its basically The Wild Bunch vs Alien.

BTW, it's 8.30am here. I wasnt up all night reading. Time zones? PLus I had to sift thru ALOT of irrelevant posts.
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I find the first half very dull. So the Predator makes the movie for me.

:horror :horror I really hate using agesim, but that may be the case here, especially if you first watched it at such a young age, where action and monsters stimulate the senses the most. If what the film accomplished and set up during acts 1 and 2 fell deaf on you, at under the age of 10, I really can't blame the shallow opinion you've formed of the movie. With your more mature mindset, and understanding of film, clear your mind of prepubecent opinions and watch it again.
You're late to the party. And I find the first half very dull. So the Predator makes the movie for me.

Christ, I already explained this.

The same could be said for Alien as well since a majority of the movie is build-up to the reveal. So what IS your point bud? I think ya lost the marble. Quick, cover your ears before more fall out! :lol
everyone vs celticp: round 2.

i wanna good clean fight, no personal insults, lets go. ding ding ding

we have no control over what movies get made. if it gets made it gets made, its your choice whether your gonna PAY and support the movie when it comes out. if your against it dont see it. Nothing beats Predator1
If you think about it, a remake would mean using Duch plus team or Harrigan all over again. so if they don't do that all it comes down to is a name, Predator or P3. because not many other people knew about the preds in the movies and the chars keep changing. What realy makes this a reboot over a 3rd movie besides the name????

With The Alien series Ripley was the char that stayed consistant in the movies. The predator for both movies no one is the same and not much to link the story, not like movies like alien, terminator and star wars. Not that predator 1 left much to link to p2 besides Dutch and the girl....

In any case I want another predator movie to be made and maybe the predator can win thus time :D
OK guys, lets all play nice now, I just had to waste half an hour of my life deleting the bickering of two 'sentient' individuals.
Lets stay on topic... or at least within its orbit!
Make a poll. Who would watch a remake of P1?
Who wouldn't?

I reference Belloq in Raiders of the Lost Ark when he challenges Indy to blow up the Ark, "Go on, blow it up. Send it straight back to God. You want to see it open as well as I". You cant resist, the curiousity would be too strong.

They covered this in South Park too when Lucas/Speilberg wanted to change Raiders.
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Who wouldn't?

I reference Belloq in Raiders of the Lost Ark when he challenges Indy to blow up the Ark, "Go on, blow it up. Send it straight back to God. You want to see it open as well as I". You cant resist, the curiousity would be too strong.

Didn't Indy prove him wrong in the end? I could've sworn he didn't look. :lol

If they wind up doing a remake, like Incredible Hulk and Punisher: War Zone, I'll just pretend they're sequels.