PREDATOR 1 Remake???!!

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Has a "reboot" ever worked yet?

I know some of you will suggest Craig's Bond, but did you see the last movie?

Yep, it was great.

Oh and there WAS another flick this was a reboot....called...what was it called...Dark Knight? :lol
Most of the Predator spin-off books and comics have had no reference to the original film, and even P2 only referred to it briefly. So a reboot with things that were recognizably Predators, but no direct reference to the previous films, would really be a sequel if you catch my drift. It's not like Batman Begins where you have to forget the previous films for the plot to make sense.

Actually, the very first DarkHorse Predator series featured Dutch's brother in the role of a detective.
Right...but since Begins worked so well, they did another, and it was far mor sucsessful.

...if someone was thinking of doing an Alien 'reboot' you'd ^^^^ a brick house.

Predator doesn't need to be touched, it doesn't need a 'reboot' or a remake. We need for Fox to give a damn and get a GOOD story with a GOOD director, preferably who knows the material.

If they were to make Predator 3, and do it well, there would be no 'need' to go back to PREDATOR. You're comparing Batman (who has been done HOW many times now?) to Predator... not the same.
Did you conveniently leave off the rest of my post where I mentioned Batman as the only good "reboot"?

Smart ass.

And the last Bond sucked.

Actually, it rocked.

And I missed the post. Everyone loose their sphincters, we dont need any rushhour rambos here....

And if Alien reboot ment new everything (sans creature) I'd be more then happy with it.
If its a remake, then ^^^^ that. But i'm still holding on to a series reboot. Alien needs one too. ^^^^ing AvP....
Predator 1 cannot be topped. At least not in Hollywood's mindset of today.

Just even hinting at it the way they did leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

More than 1 predator hunting a team of commando's? FAIL.

Not having predator in stealth mode until the main ordeal/crisis of the movie? FAIL.

Having a new musical score to replace the insanely intense, claustrophobic feel of the first? FAIL.
If its a remake, then ^^^^ that. But i'm still holding on to a series reboot. Alien needs one too. ^^^^ing AvP....

im gonna say something controversial- the alien franchise is dead- no reboot could save it. the creature itself has lost its mystery / spookyness. no matter how good the story was i dont think it could ever be as good as the first 3. thats probably why jim cameron wont do alien 5 :dunno just my thoughts
im gonna say something controversial- the alien franchise is dead- no reboot could save it. the creature itself has lost its mystery / spookyness. no matter how good the story was i dont think it could ever be as good as the first 3. thats probably why jim cameron wont do alien 5 :dunno just my thoughts

And I'd're right. But maybe someday...someday.

And Silvesteri is still active (my all time favorite composer!)....

And as for QOS, I guess after hearing so much negetivity, I expected the worst movie I had LOW expectations, therefor I like it. The action sucked hardcore though.
im gonna say something controversial- the alien franchise is dead- no reboot could save it. the creature itself has lost its mystery / spookyness. no matter how good the story was i dont think it could ever be as good as the first 3. thats probably why jim cameron wont do alien 5 :dunno just my thoughts

I agree. The Alien has been so overexposed, there's really not much left you can do with it. Same with Predator.

Rather than exhaust creative people with "reboots", why doesn't someone come up with a great new alien/monster. We desperately need one after 20 years.
Remake? NO
Reboot? Sure

One big plus with a "reboot" (not "remake") is that the "Commandos" now would have night-vision and infra-red as well. Throw in some body armor and it would even up the odds somewhat. They would call in air support and one JDAM would take care of the Predator. Film would be 15 minutes long, though.
I agree. The Alien has been so overexposed, there's really not much left you can do with it. Same with Predator.

Rather than exhaust creative people with "reboots", why doesn't someone come up with a great new alien/monster. We desperately need one after 20 years.

Then you just KNOW we would get: "Alien vs Predator vs Great New Alien/Monster"...

i think theres hope for the predator, as its an action movie rather than horror. for horror you need something scary, which the alien was, but not anymore.
And as for QOS, I guess after hearing so much negetivity, I expected the worst movie I had LOW expectations, therefor I like it. The action sucked hardcore though.

I had low expectations too, and still disliked it. I was really hoping the freshness of the first would carry over and they'd just add some great action set-pieces.

I put it up there with the Brosnan Bonds -- ultimately unmemorable. In fact, I can't remember much of anything in QOS except that Roman Polanski twerp/villain.
i think theres hope for the predator, as its an action movie rather than horror. for horror you need something scary, which the alien was, but not anymore.

But Predator played the horror/suspense game as well. It had "action" heroes, but the mystery monster leaving bodies behind in mysterious ways was very much like a classic horror. The jungle was the haunted house that the group was trying to leave. The action in Predator really got down to the last act. Besides big guns, and that assault on that camp (sans Pred), there wasn't a lot of action in the second act.