raiyuri customs
Freaked Out
You've got magical hands Dizzy! Love how your P2's looking so far. Can't wait to see him finished. 
There was a few of them last month... got to keep looking and they do show up.
Not sure, I think it was about $45... I bought lots of stuff for the Elder which were around that time so not sure. You can always use a Lost Pred head and re-paint, or modify a Shadow. The Shadow has the best sculpt shape around the eyes (the HT Pred 2 sculpt is a bit flat and sunken).
I do have a spare which I got real cheap on eBay where someone had modified the mouth so it is wide open... I was thinking of using that to re-sculpt as the Wolf when I get stuck into him.
Hey guys,
last update for a few days, got a busy weekend.
So I keep going on about the bulky armour, needing it to fit snug etc, and here is how I have sorted out the thigh armour (which sticks out at about 20 degrees on the original figure!)
After thinning out the disc holder and the left plate the pegs which usually fix them (so they rotate) to the waist armour is gone. Luckily Styrene do tubes as well as sheets, so I drilled a couple of small holes in the inside of both armours, and a couple of holes into the actual thighs of the pred. Then a Drop of suerglue.
Hold them tight in place until set (make sure the waist armour is on first so it all fits in the right places) and hey presto... nice and flush fitting.
Next week I will do the wrist armour, and fit the head onto the neck.
The battery pack will go into a recast of the medi-kit on the back, and I will have to wait until after Xmas until I get a bio to fit the LED.
The plasmagun is there mate... if you remember I cheated on the armour and used a modified HT chest piece!
Just for you...