Predator 2: Shadow Predator (2011 Toy Fairs Exclusive)

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Whoever tried the P2 head on this body - did they also try swapping the necks? I don't know if the new body has a detacheable neck like a human truetype but the Wolf predator and the P1 do. I was able to exchange the necks between them, thus the heads could be swapped - not that you want to put the P1 head on the Wolf body because I did and it looks terrible. Mainly I wanted to put the Wolf head on the P1 body, which does not look terrible.
Hey everybody! New here, and I used the shadow body for a P2 upgrade....great body but armor is too tight, both the wrist comp and blades don't fit all the way without modding the arms, and the waist armor is too small. I'm in the middle of modding now, I'll post pics when I'm done. Also, any ideas on how to get the head on with the hot glue method???
Would it be possible to mod the shadow head into a p2 head? And do you think a P2 bio might fit on a shadow? It might be easier that way than the head swap. Or it might be a lot more work. I dunno. I don't own the P2. Maybe one day.

On another note I was flipping through channels last night and Predator 2 was on. I can see why he's a lot of people's favorite predator. He had a lot of character in the movie. And it seemed like the prop designer really went that extra mile with his face too. He made a lot of movement with his facial features when his expressions changed. When Danny grabbed his smart disc from the wall the eyebrow portion of his face moved and his eyes widened and his mouth opened up. It just really made it look more realistic. I didn't really notice that on Berserker in Predators. I'd have to re-watch it and the other movies to tell for sure though. Add that to the fact that the P2 has a really cool character design and it just made it a great pred.
no, no, no, no, no!
of course, a new body more and better than the previous ones, but the head because of it became small. the legs are still big, disproportionate (though with the advent of Berserkers legs became even greater. the horror! :panic:).

ok. demonstrate:


general comparison
long neck, small and narrow head, small and short body, large legs, disproportionate hands. questions?




more than is necessary with respect to body proportions. size of the biceps more than necessary.


narrow head, huge mouth which opens and closes wrong.


colour of the body and the head is terrible, absolutely not authentic.

Outcome: sculpt repulsive, disgusting painting.

P.S. If you still do not see, then nobody will be able to help! :panic:

Dude, this has to be the photoshop of the year!
i don't remember seeing a predator figure with no mask before. i ordered the classic predator.
I collect the Predator figures because I think they are cool as hell! I could care less if they appeared in a movie or not, so long as the quality was as high as it has been lately Id gladly continue to buy them even if they started creating thier own Predator characters.
A badass monster figure is a badass monster figure, to me its as simple as that.