Predator 2: Shadow Predator (2011 Toy Fairs Exclusive)

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Frocksin :)

I think Shadow Predator is good for me!


Now I want Original Predator DX and Predator 2 DX from HOT TOYS!! NOWNOWNOW!!! :D
I collect the Predator figures because I think they are cool as hell! I could care less if they appeared in a movie or not, so long as the quality was as high as it has been lately Id gladly continue to buy them even if they started creating thier own Predator characters.
A badass monster figure is a badass monster figure, to me its as simple as that.


I'm not concerned with the over-analyzed OCD view on the new Predators. HT has consistently become better at making great looking Predators, which IMO are still the best well rounded Preds around.
Come to think of it, P2 would be an excellent choice for a DX. Sure, the PERS would be almost pointless (if they could do it, great; if not, it's okay), but the amount of high-quality accessories they could supply with the figure would be huge! A DX P2 could include newly-redone components of the old BD P2 and the regular, plus some of the accessories they missed:

Accurate rebreather

Seperate medical syringe

Fold-out metal saucer for his blue medical gunk

Switch-out stump arm using their new peg system

The actual severed hand that goes with that stump

Trophy-cleaning equipment (scalping tool, that vacuum-type thingie, skull-buffing tool)

Netgun you can actually put in the figure's hands

The famous spear tip

King Willy's head (eh, why not)

Either a rooftop perch or a section of the meat-packing factory with a hanging beef slab (as the fancy base)
Come to think of it, P2 would be an excellent choice for a DX. Sure, the PERS would be almost pointless (if they could do it, great; if not, it's okay), but the amount of high-quality accessories they could supply with the figure would be huge! A DX P2 could include newly-redone components of the old BD P2 and the regular, plus some of the accessories they missed:

Accurate rebreather

Seperate medical syringe

Fold-out metal saucer for his blue medical gunk

Switch-out stump arm using their new peg system

The actual severed hand that goes with that stump

Trophy-cleaning equipment (scalping tool, that vacuum-type thingie, skull-buffing tool)

Netgun you can actually put in the figure's hands

The famous spear tip

King Willy's head (eh, why not)

Either a rooftop perch or a section of the meat-packing factory with a hanging beef slab (as the fancy base)

A rooftop perch, I like it. Sorta like what Spiderman got. Yeah I'd be all over that.
A rooftop perch, I like it. Sorta like what Spiderman got. Yeah I'd be all over this if they ever decide that DX doesn't have to mean PERS.


Hey, they've redone Batman and Joker so many times, each time with new improvements. I think a freshly-made DX is the only way they can justify releasing the same character again. It'll be like giving us the figure we should've gotten in the first place, but now they actually have the quality and skill to do it (plus their original P2's paintjob may have been crap, but the headsculpt was pretty damn close -- he and the Elder probably have the most accurate heads they've ever sculpted).
Parallel eyeball rolling system I think it stands for. It probably says it in the specs for every DX figure but I tend to skip right to the pics.
A rooftop perch, I like it. Sorta like what Spiderman got. Yeah I'd be all over that.

I like that one too, and this makes me alittle mad too.Everyone loves that new body but there's no way he will bend to do that.Without the torso movement we are limited.
no, only P2 :wink1:

Agreed. Elder is sort of the second-best. Still pretty good, as far as Tsang's accuracy goes, but yeah, P2 is definitely the winner.

I like that one too, and this makes me alittle mad too.Everyone loves that new body but there's no way he will bend to do that.Without the torso movement we are limited.

He could still achieve that pose with the spear and Bill Paxton's skull 'n' spine.
Come to think of it, P2 would be an excellent choice for a DX. Sure, the PERS would be almost pointless (if they could do it, great; if not, it's okay), but the amount of high-quality accessories they could supply with the figure would be huge! A DX P2 could include newly-redone components of the old BD P2 and the regular, plus some of the accessories they missed:

Accurate rebreather

Seperate medical syringe

Fold-out metal saucer for his blue medical gunk

Switch-out stump arm using their new peg system

The actual severed hand that goes with that stump

Trophy-cleaning equipment (scalping tool, that vacuum-type thingie, skull-buffing tool)

Netgun you can actually put in the figure's hands

The famous spear tip

King Willy's head (eh, why not)

Either a rooftop perch or a section of the meat-packing factory with a hanging beef slab (as the fancy base)

This is a Predator 2 fan boys wet dream.:drool
Well, they'd better do something with that character again. All of their Predators have some sort of flaw in some department. This is their shot at redemption, putting out the first all-around perfect (or damn close) Predator they've ever done.