Predator 5 - Prey (2022)

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Just watched. Not bad! The Godfather II compared to the last one. I even made it into the credits for being part of the vfx team on this too which for once finally allows me guilt free, no permission from wife needed, full freedom to purchase and display any and or all Prey statues that may be coming our way in the near to distant future.
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Finished watching it, it's terrific and easily the best Predator since the original, no contest. I love the slower paced story and watching on a OLED screen the film is absolutely stunning and and the dark scenes are terrifying (due to OLED not having any backlight, the scenes just "pops" out of the screen.)

The acting is superb and Amber Midthunder sells every scene she's in plus the gore is relentless, which absolutely refreshing with some moments that will piss off PETA.

I absolutely love that they kept the "See? We did the thing!" fanservice moments to a bare minimum and allowed the story to be its' own thing and I thought it was extremely inspired to have a brand new score rather than a variation of the theme again. I know a few real life buddies who a few flat out refuses to watch this because "woke" and "wahmen" and that's too bad because you missed out on a genuinely good film.

It's not a perfect film of course, I felt it was rather short and just like the 1987 original, I thought the spaceship arrival scene should be cut in both films and due to the budget, some effects are kinda wonky but none of it really matters since I can finally say I've seen a GOOD Predator sequel after waiting for one for about 30 years.
I haven't read or viewed them but it seems it got quite a number of positive reviews. Which is good, I guess. I liked the idea of it. I'll even let go this young girl fighting a Predator. What's hard to let go is that it is in English. I wish they would have invested in learning the language and then use subtitles. It gives me the feeling they weren't that invested.
You just need to watch the movie, I thought it was excellent how they did the English cross over
I haven't read or viewed them but it seems it got quite a number of positive reviews. Which is good, I guess. I liked the idea of it. I'll even let go this young girl fighting a Predator. What's hard to let go is that it is in English. I wish they would have invested in learning the language and then use subtitles. It gives me the feeling they weren't that invested.
You'd be surprised to find out that the speaking scenes were shot twice, once in English and another in Comanche and with two cuts of the movie being available.

As for a young girl fighting a Predator, last I checked no human in any of the movies were a physical threat to a Predator, not even Arnold. It's less about their size and gender but more their willpower and ingenuity.
You just need to watch the movie, I thought it was excellent how they did the English cross over
Will do. I'll give anything a chance. Hell, I gave The Predator a chance. It failed, but it got the opportunity.
The trailer set it all up well, then they spoke. It wasn't just that it was in English, but they had a modern vernacular. That pulled me out of the moment.
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Jay, I'll respond to your response here instead of the toy thread.
I disagree that Dutch had no shot of winning. Of all the protagonists he had the best shot. Not just because of his physique. Nothing is infallible. The Predator knew he was better in every way. Dutch challenged him well. Predators seem to want to get tested and improved. He bypassed the spikes, but missed the log. Aside from the English, I think I will enjoy yhe flick.
I'm gonna be honest, I switched from the Commanche dub (and it is a dub, not an alternate take) about 20 mins in because the only subtitle option was descriptive. So you'd get captions like "footsteps approaching" telegraphing what was about to happen. Also the Commanche dub is a separate item on Hulu and isn't available in 4K, or at least wasn't last night.

Thankfully, the English version is fine. You get used to it very quickly and the quality of the performances more than makes up for it.

I hope the physical release has a plain dialogue-only subtitle setting so we can watch the Commanche version properly.
Right now I'm feeling that in some ways this is the Predator version of Alien 3. Meaning that it isn't quite as good as the first two but is still super respectable with its own unique style and a creature that doesn't look and behave the same as the previous versions but again, is still super cool in its own right. I have a feeling that many people who are currently put off by the design of this new Predator will come around to appreciate it more after additional viewings for being its own thing.

It only took 35 years but we finally have a respectable Predator "trilogy" lol. I love that since this movie is a distant prequel with only a single connection to Predator 2 that it doesn't require the audience to accept any of the other crap.
I'm gonna be honest, I switched from the Commanche dub (and it is a dub, not an alternate take) about 20 mins in because the only subtitle option was descriptive. So you'd get captions like "footsteps approaching" telegraphing what was about to happen. Also the Commanche dub is a separate item on Hulu and isn't available in 4K, or at least wasn't last night.

Thankfully, the English version is fine. You get used to it very quickly and the quality of the performances more than makes up for it.

I hope the physical release has a plain dialogue-only subtitle setting so we can watch the Commanche version properly.
I turned the dub off as soon as the first conversation happened. It wasn't the best and the descriptive text was annoying.
I don’t understand the “woke” stuff either. This isn’t the first or last time a woman fought a predator. Besides this wasn’t a rey situation where she overpowered it with no training. She had to use lots of wits and skill. Something everyone who beat a predator had to do
I don’t understand the “woke” stuff either. This isn’t the first or last time a woman fought a predator. Besides this wasn’t a rey situation where she overpowered it with no training. She had to use lots of wits and skill. Something everyone who beat a predator had to do
Yep. The first 45 mins or so is quite slow but most of the things shown in that first 45 minutes come into play later which gives a satisfying payoff imo.
I turned the dub off as soon as the first conversation happened. It wasn't the best and the descriptive text was annoying.

I found the Comanche dub today and played it with the regular subtitles, but gave up on it.

The normal version worked well enough as you get a smattering of Comanche as well as the nuances of character from the English dialogue.
Have to agree this was lightyears above any of the other sequels (even the second one which I've never quite understood the love for), and the main actress was great in the role. And I was so happy they didn't trot out the original score again like the last movie did at every opportunity, but instead came up with something that actually felt unique to this movie.

I was really bummed to find the Comanche version was only a dub though, as I really wanted the more authentic feel of people speaking their native language. I had to settle on the English version which kinda took me out of the movie at times.

I will say the ending fight felt a bit rushed though, and stretched credibility with how the Predator walked so perfectly into her trap. But the movie did so much else right that I can forgive it.
I don’t understand the “woke” stuff either. This isn’t the first or last time a woman fought a predator. Besides this wasn’t a rey situation where she overpowered it with no training. She had to use lots of wits and skill. Something everyone who beat a predator had to do
Agreed. And I liked how for most of the movie, she reacted like any sane person would to a Predator and ran away when she realized she was completely outmatched and her weapons would have no effect.
The version I downloaded had an option for just regular subtitles, so not sure why there wasn't an option for that on Hulu as well. Unless that was only in the international Disney+ version.

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