Predators - 1/6th scale Classic Predator Collectible Figure

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I don't make a habit of it, but I got sick of all the people ripping the HT P1 apart when you could make the same arguments about the NECA version.

Someone had to do it.

...just sayin
I don't believe anyone was ripping on HT's P1.. I'm pretty sure there were discussions and comments on how it was, indeed, more accurate than HT's..but I don't remember any major, NECA vs HT bashing until you showed up.
I don't believe anyone was ripping on HT's P1.. I'm pretty sure there were discussions and comments on how it was, indeed, more accurate than HT's..but I don't remember any major, NECA vs HT bashing until you showed up.

HA! You were one of the biggest haters. It's not hard to find in the HT Predator/Predators or NECA threads. You made a couple of thousand post out of it, at least. :lol

Glad you decided to join and set everyone right. Good job by the way.

We can all have a say, it's the way you chose to defend your opinion that causes the friction. We can't all be right...
I have never pulled a "fanboy" in my life as far as I can remember. I'm always honest about the whole HT/NECA situaton.

HT has the paint, NECA has the sculpts.

I never go bash either one of them...

I prefer NECA's figures though, because overall they appear more accurate. Their paint might not be as good as HT's, but the sculpt GREATLY makes up for it.
We can all have a say, it's the way you chose to defend your opinion that causes the friction. We can't all be right...

Or your false presumptions, reading comprehension issues, inability to know when someone is effectively saying the same thing you are, stubborn unwillingness to differentiate between hardcore accuracy nuts and moderates "there-are-no-shades-of-grey", my oh my I could go on...
I have never pulled a "fanboy" in my life as far as I can remember. I'm always honest about the whole HT/NECA situaton.

HT has the paint, NECA has the sculpts.

I never go bash either one of them...

I prefer NECA's figures though, because overall they appear more accurate. Their paint might not be as good as HT's, but the sculpt GREATLY makes up for it.

C'mon... search back through your posts, it's not hard to find. More power to you if that's what you think, but to say that it's an absolute fact is where the trouble begins. It's people talking with this absolute authority on a subject attitude that cause all the division. Where can I buy a copy of this book of absolute facts that some of you seem to own?

Im a one man army. MUCH different my friend.

Good luck with it all, I'm sure everything will turn out fine in the end.

Or your false presumptions, reading comprehension issues, inability to know when someone is effectively saying the same thing you are, stubborn unwillingness to differentiate between hardcore accuracy nuts and moderates "there-are-no-shades-of-grey", my oh my I could go on...

It's your false presumptions, reading comprehension issues, inability to know when someone is effectively saying the same thing you are, your stubborn unwillingness to differentiate between hardcore accuracy nuts and the moderates: "there-are-no-shades-of-grey", my oh my I could go on...

Ad hominem?
Where can I buy a copy of this book of absolute facts that some of you seem to own?

Another false presumption and sweeping generalisation. Who woulda thunk it.

Tell me, why do you alternate between your Butters identity and the other one 'Reaktwon'? Isn't that just a hassle? Why not just use one account to make the same bull____ posts?
Another false presumption and sweeping generalisation. Who woulda thunk it.

Tell me, why do you alternate between your Butters identity and the other one 'Reaktwon'? Isn't that just a hassle? Why not just use one account to make the same bull____ posts?

:rotfl More false presumptions, assumptions, and sweeping generalizations... Have you done any psychology? Paranoid? Reaktwon would probably take great offense to that. :lol You're just getting silly now... I've no time for it. Go to bed...
Eww... Hex and me are actually trying to take some decent pics of Jack and Sups!
Well, one good thing came out of tonight's riveting discussion: at least we finally know why the mods rarely visit the A&R section nowadays. Not much of a surprise, but at this point, can you really blame a guy for trying to find the silver lining?

I'm starting to realize just how much space these arguments take up, that's for sure. Halfway-decent posts don't show up for three pages back, and I've set my board preferences to display 40 posts per page.
