I'll buy decently high-quality third-party figures from Aliens (or any of the other tragically ignored licenses like Firefly, Deadwood, Blade Runner, Orphan Black, Willy Wonka, Alice in Wonderland, Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Last of Us, Princess Bride, etc., etc., etc. - or from woefully underserved ones like Terminator, Predator, Ghostbusters, etc) because collectors cannot live on SW, MCU, and DC alone. If the big companies won't tackle these licenses, I'll support third-party companies that will.
In fact, if the big companies are listening, 2023 will mark the first year I have spent more of my hobby dollars on third-party figures than I did on licensed figures, so it might be time for you guys to reassess your licenses and consider expanding or adding new lines. I don't need a fifth Darth Vader, I'm drowning in Grogus, and you've made more spider Man and Iron Man figures than I can count - and the thrid-party companies are rushing in to fill all the holes that you're leaving behind - they're creating the interesting characters that collectors have been waiting for while you're busy doing another clone repaint ... and they're doing an increasingly good job with some companies (like Mars) starting to catch up to you in quality.