I want to congratulate everyone for keeping this civil and lock free! While I understand why people are looking at him as unpatriotic, with all these no flag pin and pledge of allegiance business, I personally do not question his patrotism. In the same way no one questions McCain's because he fought for our country, even though he is sans flag lapel pin all the time. For me, I have to put a certain amount of trust in our candidates. I do not think Obama is out to hurt the country, I think he genuinely wants to help it. He just does not put weight in what we Americans feel is an expression of patriotism, but he does not feel this act alone define's one's patriotism. Millions of Americans also trust him. We can agree to disagree on who would make the best president, but the American people are obviously connecting with his message. There are always different ways of looking at candidates. While it seems crystal clear to many that he is unpatriotic and therefore is unfit to be CinC, it is just a crystal clear to others that he loves the country, flag pin or not. I hope I came across as clear. I really find politics interesting.
It all comes down to Do you trust him or don't you? And if Yes for both men, who do you trust more? This is how I and hopefully most people decide who to support or "get behind" as you say. John McCain is an admirable man, and could be a really good president. Then again, so could Obama. So again, who do you trust more? Anyway, I fully understand your position on trusting McCain more.