Sideshow's original Endo was 550$ nearly ten years ago with a 2000ES, given the steady price hikes some quick math shows pretty clearly how good of a price is 550$ for a 1:4 Endo with a 500ES, today. Different statues have different level of difficulty and you're comparing statues that have entirely different production difficulties.
I'm talking about the Arnold Guardian not the Endo.
If Deathstroke was an SSC piece, it would more than likely be priced at no less than $1500 given their pricing on previous 1/3 pieces they released. No matter how much I wanted this piece, there's no way I could justify dropping those kinds of $$$ for it. On top of the higher price point, we'd also have to worry about QC issues with SSC. That's why I'm very thankful Prime is releasing this Deathstroke. It's a fair price, AWESOME sculpt, amazing switch out parts, and will come with top notch QC. I definitely feel good about ordering Prime pieces and I'm anxious to add Deathstroke to my collection. Now I'm just waiting for the right 1/3 Prime 1 Bats to add to my collection.
I could see the regular going to waitlist in a few months for this guy.
The one recent bargain I can say Sideshow has released in terms of size of the item is probably the Doom LSF. I really expected that to be more expensive.
That piece looks insanely good. IMO, one of the very best statues I've ever seen from SSC. However, the $2000 price tag is still very steep for me. I will say though, the EX feature on the Doom LSF rocks. Especially when you compare it to the Wolverine LSF which gave you nothing extra for the same price. That said, the Doom LSF doesn't even come close to matching Prime's Deathstroke in terms of switch out parts. There's just no denying you get far more bang for your buck when it comes to Prime's pieces. Deathstroke clocks in at half of what the Doom LSF did and there's no denying Deathstroke is an AWESOME looking piece in its own right.
Why can't P1 get the 1/4 license... Arghhh. 1/3, soon you run out of space and cash.
Is anybody else like me, I really don't have the room for this 1/3 line, but already have ordered the Bats AK, Arkham Knight, and this Deathstroke and plan to get the Scarecrow and possible the Mr. Freeze. Does anybody else just order stuff they want even when they don't have the room and just hope to work out the logistics later? That's my gameplan even though I'm in the process of trying to sale some stuff.
Is anybody else like me, I really don't have the room for this 1/3 line, but already have ordered the Bats AK, Arkham Knight, and this Deathstroke and plan to get the Scarecrow and possible the Mr. Freeze. Does anybody else just order stuff they want even when they don't have the room and just hope to work out the logistics later? That's my gameplan even though I'm in the process of trying to sale some stuff.
And this my friend is how waitlist gets converted.
Are you suggesting that if Sideshow's offerings were all 1/3 scale then nobody would have a problem with a $900 - $1,000 price point?
its simple dude. at prime1's quality and scale, people as well as i don't have issues with their pricing. you get alot and plus quality for what you're paying. when ssc does i/3 scale, their prices tend to be alot higher, minus the quality and accessories. Hence why people would balk at their prices. i feel i get alot more overall from what prime1 offers me over what i get from ssc.