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[ame][/ame] I loled at these guys and the questions they bring up are valid it does go over the whole movie so there are spoilers.
Last edited: I loled at these guys and the questions they bring up are valid it does go over the whole movie so there are spoilers.

Wow. Those are some, frankly, stupid stupid questions. Did they watch the movie while drunk?

I mean, "fish?" What kind of low-def version of the movie did they see which made that look like a fish????
Spot on if you're a retard who paid little to no attention during the film, and have aboslutely no imagination. :monkey1
Oh I paid attention all right. Just not a fanboy that ignores all the head scratching things that happen like trying to pet a alien cobra and the Wile E Coyote moment of a ship falling from the sky and rolling on end over the only two humans on the surface.
Oh I paid attention all right. Just not a fanboy that ignores all the head scratching things that happen like trying to pet a alien cobra and the Wile E Coyote moment of a ship falling from the sky and rolling on end over the only two humans on the surface.

lolol yeah that was a bit over the top and rather than running diagonally they just ran straight
Oh I paid attention all right. Just not a fanboy that ignores all the head scratching things that happen like trying to pet a alien cobra and the Wile E Coyote moment of a ship falling from the sky and rolling on end over the only two humans on the surface.

So..... you saw a fish coming out of his eye????? :rotfl
I'm not a "fanboy" either. :dunno

The biologist trying to touch the Hammerpede was pretty stupid. But I can guarantee you that Prometheus isn't the first movie to invent that. So, if that's why the movie is terrible..most if not all other films must be terrible as well.

There's always the idiot who opens the scary door.

As for the Juggernaut rolling towards them..I don't see how anyone could be annoyed by that. Shaw and Vickers were not that far away from the collision..the enormous horse shoe-shaped ship falls to the ground where they were at, rolls...I don't see how that's a problem.
yeah that makes sense I just don't understand the lead up to that part like why was he so terrified of the dead alien lying on the ground then when there is a live one floating around he is all of a sudden super curious and actually goes in to touch it. but like you guys said there is always the dumb person to open the scary door in horror flics
So..... you saw a fish coming out of his eye????? :rotfl

let me rolfl. The "fish" comment in the video was obviously a comedic exaggeration. I would think someone that can understand Prometheus can also understand the video. But I guess not.

But really, fish, worms, a baby arm, doesn't matter.

I'm not a "fanboy" either. :dunno

The biologist trying to touch the Hammerpede was pretty stupid. But I can guarantee you that Prometheus isn't the first movie to invent that. So, if that's why the movie is terrible..most if not all other films must be terrible as well.

There's always the idiot who opens the scary door.

As for the Juggernaut rolling towards them..I don't see how anyone could be annoyed by that. Shaw and Vickers were not that far away from the collision..the enormous horse shoe-shaped ship falls to the ground where they were at, rolls...I don't see how that's a problem.

I figured Ridley would be above idiots opening scary doors.

As for the ship, what I find most eyerolling about it, is that of all the open space on this planet it could crash to, it falls and rolls right on the humans. Just like a Looney Tunes cartoon.
let me rolfl. The "fish" comment in the video was obviously a comedic exaggeration. I would think someone that can understand Prometheus can also understand the video. But I guess not.

Was he also joking when he asked the same questions Noomi did as if they were a plot hole? It's hard to know when he was joking, when he was just showing he paid no attention at all to the movie, or when he was pretending to not be smart enough to get it.

I give the video a thumbs down.
I figured Ridley would be above idiots opening scary doors.
I agree, but either way, it's a common thing and shouldn't ruin the movie for anyone. :dunno

As for the ship, what I find most eyerolling about it, is that of all the open space on this planet it could crash to, it falls and rolls right on the humans. Just like a Looney Tunes cartoon.
It was nothing like a Looney Tunes cartoon. :lol

Did you see how big the ship (juggernaut) was? It dwarfed the Prometheus, which was huge itself.
And do you remember where the juggernaut was when it took off? Elizabeth Shaw was standing on the ground right above the ship when it started taking off. It was going to crash on or very close to them no matter what.

Here's a size comparison:


Prometheus could have been so much better, it really could have...but to say it is a bad film, to say it's terrible...for people to rate it lower than the Transformers movies, lower than just, completely insane.
yeah that makes sense I just don't understand the lead up to that part like why was he so terrified of the dead alien lying on the ground then when there is a live one floating around he is all of a sudden super curious and actually goes in to touch it. but like you guys said there is always the dumb person to open the scary door in horror flics

Exactly. It's that painfully stupid guy who makes us yell at the screen. It is a well-used and fun trope of the horror genre.
That was a funny video. I believe that is the same guy who did the 6 part fantastic The Phantom Menace review.
Awesome -- where was that In the movie? This painting has the feeling I wish the movie had. Creepy.

I kinda wish the Engineers looked more like that and less like a necromonger and/or DKR's Bane (in space). I didn't find them to be particularly otherworldly at all, I just found them to be rather silly looking, and as such, completely non threatening when they were supposed to be a threat. They needed to be as interesting (or preferably, more) under the 'mask' as they were with it on, but alas that just wasn't the case. For me at least.

As for the film as a whole, I think for me the biggest problem was that the ideas and the visual look of the film was far more interesting than the pretty much wafer thin characters and paint by numbers plotting, and the rote plotting I could have forgiven if the characters themselves had been sronger and made more of an impression. I mean even a character like David wasn't as interesting as he could, or should, have been because the other characters surrounding him weren't human enough and didn't provide enough of a contrast to play against, so even he didn't really stand out, despite Fassbender's best efforts.

I didn't think it was a bad film, but I did find it a somewhat disappointing one, because to me it all just felt a bit hollow. As most of my issues are really to do with the characters it does make me wonder if a longer cut might result in a better film, as it is often character stuff that seems to get cut for time. I wouldn't be surprised to see another Ridley Scott director's cut at some point, and if that happened I'd definitely have to check it out.

Regardless of my mixed feelings on the film, I'd still be interested in seeing a sequel though.
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