You know that one too/Mod
So I guess I just got screwed out of about 5 trophies on GOW 2.
Good thing I just backed up my PS3 two weeks ago... but I'll need to replay Heavy Rain and AvP to get the trophies again. I'm gonna try to log in tomorrow and cross my fingers that everything is fine. Looks like I have a good reason to ante up and get slim now....I'll have to keep my old one for playing my PS2/PS1 games though.
Aren't trophies backed up on the PSN? You should be fine if you got them because this bug went all to hell. When the PSN goes back up if we re-sync the trophies should reappear..... I hope.
I'm thinking that's going to be the case. The trophies will just re-sync and all will be well.
Looks like Y2K attacked the PS3's