Yeah I have no complaints about the DS3. I really like it and the new iteration looks great! Its a tad bigger and the analog sticks have it with a lip around it or whatever you want to call it so it doesn't slip off your thumb. That was definitley something I thought they should improve on and they did.
I don't have small hands and I don't ache when I play at all. Its preference not fact that the xbox controller is better than the ds3.It not about skill it's about it being uncomfortable.
You must have some small hands, my hands aren't that bike and I have to force me thumbs down to the sticks, which is fine for the right stick as most games you use the buttons way more than the right stick but being forced to keep my thumb in an unnatural position to use the right stick is the problem.
I could only play with ps controller for maybe 20-30 min before my left thumb would ache. This has been the case for years. Once games started making movement using the left stick required on the PS I stopped playing for the most part until the Xbox came with the smaller controller.
I have tried 3rd part controllers for the PS but they all seem to be crap so it just sits there unless its playing a movie.
Plus I'd the Ps controller is so perfect why don't you find any( I have never seen any) ps design controllers for xbox, yet quite a few companies have tired to make Xbox controller for ps?