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With Rand being in early production photos you have to wonder if she stayed would McCoy have a to gain prominence and have the triad we did

They both had equal billing and his niche ensured that he would appear more often. I think he appeared in 11/13 episodes, while she appeared only in 8/13, although there are enough yeomen in season one that you can suppose she would probably have appeared about as often as Scotty, and possibly only in a few episodes in seasons two and three, possibly including episodes where she was the focus, like Charlie X. She was originally written into the early draft of the Trouble with Tribbles for example.

She was going to be a confidant for Kirk but in Balance of Terror McCoy literally pushes her out of the room to take over that role. Her action roles in Dagger of the Mind and City on the Edge of Forever were given to other characters. She had a lot of potential that went unused sadly.
Honestly I think they made the right call getting rid of Rand. Whatever might have been intended with the character, the way she came across on screen was as this overly fragile and submissive servant that Kirk was a little too uncomfortably close to. And watching them together was just always really weird.
It's been reported that Rand put the writers in a really uncomfortable position. She was written to seem close to Kirk almost verging on being a romantic interest, but they still wanted Kirk to have random romances to make the series more interesting. When they wrote a scene with him having a romantic interest they felt like he was cheating on Rand. Not knowing how to balance this they simply removed Rand so that their hands could be untied when writing for Kirk.
Honestly I think they made the right call getting rid of Rand. Whatever might have been intended with the character, the way she came across on screen was as this overly fragile and submissive servant that Kirk was a little too uncomfortably close to. And watching them together was just always really weird.

I come at it from the other perspective: they should have started writing her better. It's not as if they replaced her with a different character, they just stripped out the female lead and left the show to the men. Rand in the first draft of City on the Edge of Forever absolutely rocked. She accompanied the search party, escaped Beckworth's clutches, used her tricorder to overload the pirates' transporter, jury-rigged the damaged transporter, and took command of the security team while Kirk and Spock returned to the planet. Harlan Ellison was a friend of Grace and I suspect he did it as a f##k you Rand is awesome protest but what's more interesting is what happened to the replacement yeoman character in the rewrites.

The second draft featured a yeoman who, when faced with the errant crewman, ran off in fear to fetch the men. In the third draft, Uhura led the security team but had little to say except to tell Kirk she was afraid. The problem wasn't the concept of Rand, it was the writers' obsession with her as a victim who was repeatedly stalked, sexually assaulted, and harassed.

It's been reported that Rand put the writers in a really uncomfortable position. She was written to seem close to Kirk almost verging on being a romantic interest, but they still wanted Kirk to have random romances to make the series more interesting. When they wrote a scene with him having a romantic interest they felt like he was cheating on Rand. Not knowing how to balance this they simply removed Rand so that their hands could be untied when writing for Kirk.

I think this shows up the sexism of the times, that the female lead had to be written out so the male lead could romance guest characters rather than them both accepting that the relationship would never work so that Rand could romance guest characters too, instead of just being stalked and harassed by them.

I love Helen Noel as a character but with modern storytelling, they could have kept Rand as originally intended and Dr Adams' neutraliser could have totally gutted the attraction between her and Kirk, allowing them both to move towards a more professional relationship.
Hmm, not sure what to make of this. Looks like they've given Sulu a bit more of a smile or smirk for some reason.

I'm all for more expressive sculpts, but can't tell if this is hurting the likeness or not...


Glad to see I'm not the only one perplexed by this. I was really happy before to see another great sculpt on the level of Kirk and Khan, but now I'm just not sure anymore. :(

It looks like they were going for something like this, but didn't really capture it.

I cannot believe that Nanjin would sudden, “out of the f______ blue”, start delivering sub standard figures on any line, ESPECIALLY TOS.

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The bottom lips are too full
and I think the top part is
making Sulu have an odd
Clown smile

The V2.0 I thought was perfect
The lips is the only downer

Otherwise from the nose up
,it is a perfect script
Hmm, not sure what to make of this. Looks like they've given Sulu a bit more of a smile or smirk for some reason.

I'm all for more expressive sculpts, but can't tell if this is hurting the likeness or not...

View attachment 451379

View attachment 451381

Well that's...weird.

Not sure what was wrong with the most recent version we saw before this...

Glad I haven't ordered Sulu yet, think I'll be waiting for in hand pics now.
He looks good but he is very... pouty. Clearly from an alternate reality where Sulu became an instagram influencer.
Looks like we are witnessing the initial panic usually reserved for other lines before Sulu ships, is seen in hand, and quickly becomes the most popular and well regarded figure in the entire line. Looking forward to this figure!