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From Michael Crawfords review. Not liking this sculpt at all. Prototype was so much better. Wonder why the change.

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Dang, Sulu now looks like a cartoon character
and has a creepy look. The eyebrows and lips
is now completely different and just throwing the
likeness off. Not sure but The paint app is also
maybe Different.

Wondered why the change from the last version?
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Unfortunately for me I actively dislike the changes made to the sculpt. Just throws everything off to me and looks creepy weird, which I can't seem to get past, no matter how much I want to. Think I'll be sticking with a four man crew for now by the look of things.

If they ever make Chekov then I might be tempted to track one down for completion purposes, or if I ever see it for a bargain price, but right now this just dropped off my priority purchase list completely.

Same here: the mouth on the earlier sculpt was far-superior. I'm extremely perplexed as to why they didn't sign-off on the great-looking sculpt we see on the QMx website. That said, I'm going to get this figure. I want to support this line because I want it to continue. It's still the best-looking Sulu figure ever produced. I'll just pose him with lighting that detracts from the smirk. After all, I'm glad he's here -- I don't think these kids can streer! I just hope that future head sculpts that look right as the prototype -- STAY that way into production.
I am even willing to pay and have my painter redo
the eye brows but the lips curving oddly upwards
on the sides. I don’t know if that can be redone

Damn... Scotty was great and captured the
“ We don’t have warp speed captain”
but Sulu ....

Man , I hope Sulu sells well and we know
only the die hard fans will get him but now
with the lips and the odd eyebrows not
Sure if the diehards will go all in now
Anyone know if TOS Chekov is in the planning stages or even considered being made in the future?

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There was a computer-generated 3D head sculpt of Chekov floating around the inter-webs a year or so ago, and it looked very primitive. That seems to indicate he is on the list of future releases. He was on the recently-released Scotty packaging box art, so that also seems to be a positive indication.
I sure wish Nanjin was still here communicating with us. I cannot imagine this was a requested change on his part, but like others have said, why take a really good sculpt that you have in hand and decide that you need something that is far less superior?
The likeness looks better from a different angle. It may be that bright lighting and no shadows give it a more sterile appearance. Every one of my figures looks better with a bit of shadow.

It's a real shame that so many were happier with the previous teaser pics but we've all done that one extra tweak that wipes out our earlier improvements. ;-p. I did it on my Spock sculpt! I darkened his lips slightly with a purple ink wash and I thought it was a great improvement. I did one more application and all of a sudden, it wasn't. Sad times.

Just read the review in full and it is overall positive. I might try to look at some pics and give him some more shapely lips. I'll see when I get him.
Seems like someone with great influence got them to change the sculpt at the last minute. My guess is Takei himself is responsible for them adding the creepy smile to “improve” this. Too many cooks and you end up with an inferior end product.
Maybe Takei wanted a “I can grope extras if I want to!” Smile?

Contrary to some of the paranoid right wing's hilariously incompetent attempts to smear Pete Buttigieg, not every homosexual is a sex pest. He's smiling at one of Spock's jokes that nobody else got (Sulu that is, not Pete).
Sulu is a background character for me and will be literally in my display. I think the figure will look great standing with the rest of the crew.
While I love the retro 60's mod look of the TV show shirt uniforms, I was aware of the movies first as a kid. This Spock is what I'm waiting for to leave the prototype stage and get offered for pre-order. I realize the features will soften in production but this is the best Spock/Nimoy sculpt I've seen.

toyfair18-qmx-twokspockfig.jpgQMX Spock.jpg
I paid for this up front, based on the supposedly final images, so I'm really annoyed that QMx is yet another company not releasing what they've shown. Should be banned/illegal to bait and switch, especially with US/UK based companies, but I suppose there's small-print somewhere to say "prototype shown".

He may well be a background character, but he cost as much, if not more, than the others. So, should be on par sculpt wise, IMO.
This has to be a joke.


I'm also disappointed in this version. Seems like they either had a last-minute "tweaking" to please some corp suits, or they simply just employ the "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe" strategy for selections -- but it is what it is. I can live with it though. He's the best Sulu figure out there regardless, and at the end of the day, I want to see many more figures produced. So I'm getting this one to support the line. I think a little bit of creative lighting will make it fine, plus he'll be standing with the gang as a secondary supporting figure.

The more I look at this production version, the more I'm perfectly fine with it, to be honest. Still the best Sulu ever.