Ok I have a scenario that might play into this thread. Recently I have been invited to a b-day party for a friend of mine and to say the least I think me and this friend have really grown apart as individuals we are in two different points in our lives. I'm about to be married and have been out of the bar scene for quite a while, so has my S.O. I think we've just grown away from that scene and really just like going over to friends get together, BBQ's, live music, movies, etc...
Anyways my friend is about the same age I think maybe a years difference but is going back to school and hanging out with younger girls etc... and very much into the club scene. This is where we differ. BTW this is not the only friend that loves this scene just the others are not hanging around 22-24 year olds because they are not going back to school, just getting crunk at the clubsAlthough these friends are much older, old men clubbing to me just gets weird... No offense older guys
Do any of you guys experience this kind of fall out with your buddies, gals, etc... It's just really hard to keep friends let alone the S.O. whenever all they do is go clubbing.
I think I'm just in a different point in my life with the entertaining ways.... Also we are thinking about getting a house, kids, etc... So building a family is our main priority, not clubbing.
I am an "older guy" clubs are wrong for us on many levels

In college we would hit clubs every night given the opportunity alone, with friends, together it didn't matter. We have long grown out of the club environment, including many of our friends from college. We graduated college, we had a plan for us that did not 'jive' with all our friends at the time. The relationships eventually moved on to today. We are at different points in our lives with kids, family friends etc. Neither of us wants to go out with a group unless the other is included. We got married because we are best friends and we want to spend as much quality time with each other as possible. Between work, kids, school, volunteer committments etc. we have plenty time apart that we feel given free time we would rather be together than apart.