Ash Housewares
Super Freak
Ign can suck my Testes.
RAGE is basically a "modern and updated FPS shooter",thats all,(ID old school) but most people think that Rage, could be an RPG or something similar, THIS IS THE PROBLEM AND FIRST MISTAKE
If you're looking forward for a GREAT shooter, with tons of bullets, weapons, action, fun, and outstanding visuals, animations, textures (running at 60fps ) then, Rage is your game certainly, but if you're looking forward for another kind of game ( RPG like Fallout or something similar), with a great storytelling, deep and complex gameplay, or characters then you will be completely dissapointed with Rage
Anyways, 8.5 is a great score, however reading and whaching the IGN Videoreview, I have the strong "feeling" that they also wrongly expected anything else...and pretty different
Who said Fallout or RPG, i said story. Bioshock has great visuals and setting like rage but its the characters and story that really makes the game a classic. ID seems to have decided on the game looking and playing great but forgot to add a reason to care about the events in the game, for the develoment time the game went through adding a story and great dialogue isnt hard.
Ok,, so then Quake, Doom, Wolfenstein are "classics" cause they have a great storytelling, right??
And your comparision with Bioshok, sorry but it is'nt the same, because Bioshock it's a different kind of game based on a strong storytelling (70% storytelling+ exploration and 30% action shooter) but according with the reviews RAGE is 15% story + exploration and 85% shooter. Therefore, Rage is basically and old school shooter with tons of action with a very slight nuances of other kind of games and RPG, but just to update it to modern times.
But if you want an advice DO NOT THRUST THE IGN REVIEW, because Rage has a decent story and dialoge, but again ..RAGE does'nt focus on it![]()
Sometimes it's fun to do nothing more than kill everything that comes running after you, no thinking, no drama, no worries, and look good doin' it.![]()
It maybe oldskool, but when relase amongst modern games that have alot of old skool features AND a great story, one expects it.
I buy most games because they have great story and characters and gameplay and graphics. In single player that is, multiplayer is all about the shooting but single player demands time and effort put into the story for me.
First person Games without story or at least effort put into the story fade tend to away these days like Duke Nukem did.
I will be good to see other opinions though other than IGN
Thats why FPS muliplayer is fun.
Im a little disappointed they didnt do all the usual death matches.... in multiplayer but im not going to let that stop me getting this. Looks awesome
The MP is just coop mode with 2 players, but specific misions instead the main campaign
Yeah I feel this could have really worked with the usual multi player....
With so many great games coming out, I dont know weather to leave this 3 or 4 weeks as this should drop in price. I do want to play this tho![]()
I''m gonna get it... eventually
But the lack of an engaging story has removed it from day one purchase territory, I'll wait for the price drop.
Same boat. Waiting for price reduction.
How's the 360 version look? anything close to what we saw online?
IGN, and gametrailers, are 360 footage.
Its the best console version certainly, because according with all revies I read the PS3 has some flaws, like a little blurry textures (not as crisp as 360 and PC does) and more noticiable problems loading (poping) textures, (even with the 8 gb mandatory instalation)
But both version runs smoothly at 60fps with no drops.
Edit: Just read some news about the PC version is gving problems, like tearing, load textures, and fr drops (but just with ATI components)![]()