Super Freak
The IGN review was for the PS3 and said nothing about the problems you listed.
The IGN Review did'nt say anything about the PS3 or 360 versions, true.. but ALL game footage showed in the VR is 360 footage not PS3

... and about what the IGN review was for PS3.. ejem
Here's the IGN review for PS3:
And here's the IGN review for 360:
Conclusion : That was exactly the same Copy & paste text for both reviews..

If you can read spanish here:
"cierta lentitud en la carga de texturas en las versiones para consola (notorio especialmente en la de PlayStation 3)"
"Some slow loading textures on the console versions (especially noticeable in the PlayStation 3)"
"A la versión de PlayStation 3, y en menor medida a la de XBOX 360, les cuesta en ocasiones gestionar las “megatexturas”.
To the PlayStation 3 version, and to a lesser extent to the Xbox 360, sometimes find it difficult to manage the "MegaTextures"
And same here:
Once again, Do'nt trust to much on IGN reviews my friend

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