Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "Driver"

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The new eyeplacement is bringing out the dead-on Deniro likeness. I hope Rainman paints the eyes just like this. t
They seem to be staring slightly upward and subtle left. The combination lighting/shadow and his paintwork bring out those thin sharp cheekbones too!

Amped up for this.
Thought I would throw up the full size. Looks awesome. Are all the Mohawk heads getting blood or is this special?


Looks amazing. :hi5:
my brother just discovered this and he wants it. haha if anyone is planning to sell, full set or dx please shoot me a pm :)
Email from Lee:

Hello, It's Rainman.

Now it's time to ship out the Driver.

I really wanted to ship out within November but it took time to get 12 more bodies because a seller of Hottoy

sent me wrong bodies in the first place. Also the box I've ordered - it's because the end of the year,

they have heaps of work in the que.

I'll send Driver at 4th,December.

Thank you so much for your patience.

Before the shipping out, there are few things I need to let you know.

I've tried to order the accessory box I've shown you earlier to several box supplier

but they said that the quanlity is too small, so I had to give up, because they said

it takes more than one month or I should order more.

But I've printed out 5 post cards in a set instead.

I really wanted to pack it more cool, but it wasn't easy.

I believe that you'll understand.

The customers who purchased Head + Outfit set, you need to change the body.

I'll upload how to change the body, so please follow the instruction and if you

handle it gently as I instruct, you'll be succeed to change it.

The last thing I want to tell you is, a surprise gift.

Two head of Bloody, which are not in the existing option, will be included in random and sent to

the lucky guys.

The chance will be applied to every members fairly - no matter if you are VIP or standard member.

I hope you will contratulate to the lucky guys, and also hope don't be disappointed too much

if you didn't win the chance.

I'll be sad if things didn't go like this becuase I don't want my good intention of surprise gift be ruined.

I tell you always, and as you all know custom procucts are not strong as mass products.

Please handle them in extra care because there are high risk of breakage.

Lastly, thank you so much for waiting for such a long time.

And please look forward on the my next work after this one.

can't wait! This has been one of the longer turn around times of rainmans and I'm confident that's gonna translate into a class A figure!
Can't wait to have it in hand before Xmas! Wish the peak time of shipping won't cause any delay.
that sucks about the box but hey...them the breaks...lol....and also sucks for hydeous....but everyone has their reasons for leaving...i may do the same thing one day...don't know when tho...:-/