chalky white residue.
MY ALL TIME FAVE! So yes, I'm a bit biased!
You can raise that right arm some more Stevie!
He used putty to attach the head and lift it, because it looked to be too short.
Wrong again, and like I've said... Long monologues and pontificating that is just consistently questioning and or taking away his artistic license among many other long- winded drivel has driven him away and will continue to do so. One man, his hands and eyes... The ability he is blessed and very little else in terms of helping will be only solution to alleviate the distress he feels. Oh, and if any want "perfection," whatever that means when it comes to art, then this is not the hobby for you. Wait 10-20 years and then jump in, hopefully then they can clone 1/6 versions of characters we like and have flying cars and all the rest of the goodies we've been yearning for.
Looks great there Robbie
Did you manage to pull the shirt down on yours? Yours doesn't seem to be lacking of 'no neck' syndrome like mine.
I think I need to spend more time with it.
That's what I was saying. I only had this morning to play and Robbie has already shown there is some hope on the stock body. Needs some major futzing. The neck is there!
Will have a good play with him tomorrow. I think it was the lack of neck that actually freaked me out more than the shoes.
The neck is a touch short but if you futz the shirt it can help. With tucked shirts I always strip the figure down and tape the shirt to the thighs and butt. I also did a tuck on the back so that the shirt fit the body a little tighter. Your really have the have the shirt pulled down to the shoulders for it to work right. Its not like an HT where there is a huge gap between the shoulders and neck. Other then the technical problems that can be had with the Enterbay body, I for one really like them for their proportions. The suit fits the body perfectly.