I feel bad for him when things aren't all hi-fives and hugs but I think it comes with the territory. It's really not fair to say that we're only focusing on the cons and ignoring the pros because 9/10 times it's the exact opposite. We spend a lot of time showering him with praise and complements and throwing rose pedals at his feet. He gets showered with glory when things live up to the expectations so should we just be silent when they don't? I think it's necessary to constructively voice our opinions when things go a little south. I do feel bad because I can only imagine then shot in the heart it is when your fans are dissapointed. Like Ray said you put your soul out there when your selling your art so in times like this you have to have tough skin.
(BTW I really like to hear Ray & Robbie's views in times like this. Both are fantastic artists and the are able to relate to Rainman, but sort of in different ways. Robbie is always more empethitic to RM's creative and artistic side in having to offer these as a product and while Ray is too he also understands the business side and the consumers side if the story. Always interesting to hear both of their opinions

The thing that RM has going is not like HT. He has a small group of followers. Some are casual, some are die hards, some are FS all the way every time and others just want a head every now and then. But while I understand the buy or don't buy theory, who the hell wants to take that approach?!?! Most if the die hards here are waiting at the edge of their seat for the next reveal and can't wait to get in. No one wants to take a pass! Every die hard wants every release to be worth the money he's asking!
As far as the dork clothes go I gotta be honest and say it was a bad call. I'm not arguing with you, just sharing my opinion

. The problems with them only start with knee and elbow joins. The worst problem are the ankles, especially for Jules if he would need the long ones. Then there's the fact that there's basically no flip-flops on the market. Shorty did a pretty good Frankenstein job but Perseus legs are super hard to come by and it still leaves the flip-flop problem. So Vince is doable but what's the solution for Jules

. The only thing that comes to mind that even comes close is that slim AA Kaustic body; those are really hard to find too and will have the same sandal issue PLUS a height issue. Now they're tailored to fit the EB body so that complicates things that much more.
The idea sounds good in your head in may look passable in your minds eye but when you start to weigh out the pros and cons and want to execute it in real life, it's just not easily doable to a decent standard. So to acheive this Vince is easier and Jules is near impossible and you can't have one without the other so I think the whole idea should've been scrapped. Or it should have been a separate clothes set and sandals should've been included, but it shouldn't have been part if the FS. That way whoever was interested cold have stretched for it on their own but it didn't make sense to make everyone take it when most people weren't interested. He's only going to include so much for $820 so this took the place of something else that the majority of folks would've rather had and could've made better use of.
Thank you! But where were you when I was trying to get this point across
I've been saying this since it was first mentioned. I wish we were able to nip it in the bud
I'm with you but this one was clearly a release made for the fans and a lot of fan imput is behind this. I'm not sure how much of a fan he himself is