A lot of people have been rude with their comments and pushy with their suggestions but Rainman can't forget about the rest of us that are still here supporting Jules and anxious to see what we have purchased, the fans greatly outweigh the nay sayers.
It really sucks that Rainman is feeling low what with recent developments in this thread but the only criticism if any is because we all know what Rainman is capable of and would love another Bill or Dude quality like release. I really think Rainman should have been allowed to do this one the way he wanted (real hair etc) would have been interesting to see the result. I voted for sculpted hair regret it now should have allowed Rainman to go with his gut would have perhaps yielded a different result with the sculpt.
I think most or at least a few peoples concern is with the statement highlighted above 'what have we purchased' we still don't know but its good to hear everythings on its way back from the casters . I have every faith in Rainman if I didn't I would buy his work and would not be as big a fan as I am makes me feel really bad that any suggestions etc have been taken in a negative vein. I can only speak for myself but never intended any offence towards the man merely offering up suggestions for improvement if Rainman doesnt want to act on them then fine no problem this is art afterall. These figures are his vision not mine. If I like the result I'll buy and 9 times out of 10 I like the result.