Rainman Artwork project 2013 "Pulp Fiction"

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Amazing figure! I know it's up to the artist blah blah blah... but I hate how they intentionally limit the numbers produced just so a few people can feel giddy about nobody else owning one.

Awwwww but thats the best part ;) haha. Seriously tho Rainman is pretty much a one man band when it comes to his releases so I can understand his edition sizes. The ability to keep the quality high must always outweigh producing as many as possible
Amazing figure! I know it's up to the artist blah blah blah... but I hate how they intentionally limit the numbers produced just so a few people can feel giddy about nobody else owning one.

I'm sure you can get your hands on Heels. Just throw the briefcase of money on the table and let it do all the talking.

Awwwww but thats the best part ;) haha. Seriously tho Rainman is pretty much a one man band when it comes to his releases so I can understand his edition sizes. The ability to keep the quality high must always outweigh producing as many as possible

:exactly: :goodpost:

Man I'm getting antsy for Vince and some Jules WIP :gah:.

I'm sure we won't get those until after Vince ships.
Awwwww but thats the best part ;) haha. Seriously tho Rainman is pretty much a one man band when it comes to his releases so I can understand his edition sizes. The ability to keep the quality high must always outweigh producing as many as possible

I'm by no means directing it solely at Rainman. Love his work... but I've noticed this trend with far more custom artists. I realize I'm probably in the minority on this however.
Amazing figure! I know it's up to the artist blah blah blah... but I hate how they intentionally limit the numbers produced just so a few people can feel giddy about nobody else owning one.

There's been a lot of this talk floating around several different custom threads lately and it's all fueled by dudes who are less used to the way the custom world works and who are very worried about missing out.

Many releases in the custom world leave people empty handed in the end. Aside from Iminime who are doing the biggest runs of all the customizers here, there's usually not enough to cover all the takers. Hell people have even been missing out on some of the recent HT pieces from the more popular licenses. There are plenty of folks scrambling for Fury, Hawkeye, Widow, DX12 Wayne & Bane on the secondary market; and it's safe to assume that the less popular of that rooster have ES's of 3500-4500 while something like the DX12 must be like 6000-8000.

You can rest assured that limited resources, deadlines and commitment to quality has a lot more to do with the low ES for customs than the artist helping people gloat about being the only kid on the block with one. And although there may be a few meatballs like that mixed in the crowd, there are probably less people who feel that way than you think :wink1:
There's been a lot of this talk floating around several different custom threads lately and it's all fueled by dudes who are less used to the way the custom world works and who are very worried about missing out.

Many releases in the custom world leave people empty handed in the end. Aside from Iminime who are doing the biggest runs of all the customizers here, there's usually not enough to cover all the takers. Hell people have even been missing out on some of the recent HT pieces from the more popular licenses. There are plenty of folks scrambling for Fury, Hawkeye, Widow, DX12 Wayne & Bane on the secondary market; and it's safe to assume that the less popular of that rooster have ES's of 3500-4500 while something like the DX12 must be like 6000-8000.

You can rest assured that limited resources, deadlines and commitment to quality has a lot more to do with the low ES for customs than the artist helping people gloat about being the only kid on the block with one. And although there may be a few meatballs like that mixed in the crowd, there are probably less people who feel that way than you think :wink1:


Latest news from the man. Painting on Vinny started yesterday as he was waiting for some supplies. He has also secured the bodies for Jules. So he will start sculpting him as well. The bodies are by Enterbay and some strings were pulled for them. He also said the body will be taller than Vincent! :rock Almost time fellas! :yess:
Latest news from the man. Painting on Vinny started yesterday as he was waiting for some supplies. He has also secured the bodies for Jules. So he will start sculpting him as well. The bodies are by Enterbay and some strings were pulled for them. He also said the body will be taller than Vincent! :rock Almost time fellas! :yess:

Awesome news! Can't wait to see what he does for Jules! :goodpost:
Latest news from the man. Painting on Vinny started yesterday as he was waiting for some supplies. He has also secured the bodies for Jules. So he will start sculpting him as well. The bodies are by Enterbay and some strings were pulled for them. He also said the body will be taller than Vincent! :rock Almost time fellas! :yess:

He's starting to paint Vince and waiting for paint supplies?

Can't wait to see Jules :rock
Holy crap just remembered, if it's the will smith body, which I'm guessing it is, wouldn't it be too tall? As thats like the rehashed kobe or MJ body from what I've been reading at the MIB thread.

All i can say is :drool:drool:drool:drool:drool

I'm so *******ng jealous, :) Amazing figure!

I stayed up till about 4 in the morning to get heels and I swear to you they all sold out in 1 second! I refreshed the page, added her to the cart, paid and then it said sold out again! I'm so pleased I have her. Amazing figure.
View attachment 60264
Looking forward to seeing everyone's pics when you have these in hand.
No he couldn't start painting Vince before yesterday cause he was waiting on some supplies.

As for the body I'll ask about it.

Oh, that's a bummer, but I think at this point it's better not to rush the man to ship this anytime soon since I dont think any of us want a rushed paint job. :panic:

Im personally fine with waiting for it :peace
Latest news from the man. Painting on Vinny started yesterday as he was waiting for some supplies. He has also secured the bodies for Jules. So he will start sculpting him as well. The bodies are by Enterbay and some strings were pulled for them. He also said the body will be taller than Vincent! :rock Almost time fellas! :yess:

Holy crap just remembered, if it's the will smith body, which I'm guessing it is, wouldn't it be too tall? As thats like the rehashed kobe or MJ body from what I've been reading at the MIB thread.

Great frigin' news!!! I'm glad that he's committed to looking for a body that respects Jules body type and height. I didn't follow the MIB thread that closely but the one thing that stood out of all the complaints were the wobbly knees. I never heard that the Smith body is Jordan type tall though. If it is that would be too tall but I saw these guys out of their boxes a few times recently at a local shop. Smith didn't strike me as noticeably tall; definitely not b-ball tall. I'll see if they still have them on display and I'll go back with a ruler to double check.

Being a guy who doesn't usually go for full sets. This concerns me a bit. Knowing that the suits are tailored to specific bodies, I hope this isn't something so niche that folks can't get ahold of it on their own.

Wasn't that the big debate from the beginning? That these guys are too bashable and the only thing that would make this worth Rainman money is if they were full of aspects that weren't accessible on the market or easily done ourselves :dunno

The book will have real pages???? :horror That puts a brand new paint job on things
Interesting points by kara and pop. I can see both POVs and frankly its tough one.

One side, like what pop said, that these shouldnt be made out of easily bashable stuffs since its priced at a premium price and all. But the. Again by using a body that isnt widely available, rainman might potentially alienate his head/outfit buyers.

Alternatively he could do a fullset only ala the heels figure for this one. If by releasing the outfit and head set proven to be a moot point. But I can already foresee the headaches and complains he will receive if he choose to do so. Its Kind a like a damned if you do, and damned if you don't kind of situation.
Wasn't that the big debate from the beginning? That these guys are too bashable and the only thing that would make this worth Rainman money is if they were full of aspects that weren't accessible on the market or easily done ourselves :dunno
Well that wasn't my perspective on such a debate. I am a guy that usually buys head/outfit sets. Considering that, I personally want something from Rainman that is special, but in the sense that we get a specially tailored outfit you can't get elsewhere, accessories you can't get elsewhere, and a great Rainman sculpt. When you're talking a pretty basic suit, I think that's a bit of a let-down in the sense that this isn't something that's really gonna stand out like a Bill the Butcher, Anton, Durden, etc. Even if it's a great suit (which I'm sure it is), it is still a basic suit. I never made a suggestion that Rainman should do something that is hard to bash together with the material he provides with a head/outfit set.

But then, I know you've been arguing for a special body all along and so this is good news for you. I just hope some alternative will be made available for those of us who don't want to spend $800-900 for one of these figures.