Rainman Artwork project 2013 "Pulp Fiction"

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Jackie Brown is a beautiful piece of storytelling. The pacing is slower than what many are used to, but I enjoy the dramatic space and tension this creates. And the characters... I love the characters. Anyone judging this on a single viewing I can only recommend giving it another try. Sit back and drink it in like a good scotch.
Jackie Brown is a beautiful piece of storytelling. The pacing is slower than what many are used to, but I enjoy the dramatic space and tension this creates. And the characters... I love the characters. Anyone judging this on a single viewing I can only recommend giving it another try. Sit back and drink it in like a good scotch.

Believe me... I've seen it like 4 times
Yeah, I didn't like it first time I saw it (at the theaters). You really can't go into expecting Pulp Fiction. But when I rewatched it a few years ago it all fell into place. Now, it's one of my favorite QT films. But different strokes for different folks. I still don't care much for American Psycho at all though I know most everyone here loves it.
Yeah, I didn't like it first time I saw it (at the theaters). You really can't go into expecting Pulp Fiction. But when I rewatched it a few years ago it all fell into place. Now, it's one of my favorite QT films. But different strokes for different folks. I still don't care much for American Psycho at all though I know most everyone here loves it.

Yeah I loooove American psycho.
here's me singing off...


(and from a much better movie too!)

:rotfl Oh s__t... there goes my dyslexia again

And that's right about Jackie Brown. You can't go in expecting Pulp or R.D.; it's a completely different pace but it’s Tarantino to the core nonetheless.

The sound track is bonkers too. Love all that old pimp funk



Just thinking about it makes me want to kick back to some Delphonics right now
It took me a second time to actually like Jackie Brown.

I came in with the wrong mind set the first time I watched it.

I like NBK too and I find it weird too there isn't more interest in it.
:lol I knew that was coming.

I dig clockwork but I cannot forgive Kubrick for leaving out the last chapter. It completely changes the author's intent and sends a flawed message, a message that is even more troubling today with so many real life Alex DeLarges shooting up schools and whatnot.

The true realization of Alex is that of Jules in PF, the path of violence and death ain't where it's at.
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I'm too predictable :D

Yea the last chapter really puts a different painjob on the whole thing. I do like it but I don't hate that they left it out though. I sort of like the uncertainty of his direction that they leave you with. The last chapter kind of wraps it up in a very rational way and brings an end to the story and redemption for Alex. I don't always think a story needs a proper "end" and I don't think the main or popular character's arc needs to include redemption.

The movie without the last chapter raises the questions of choice and what motivates the criminally insane. Is it nature, nurture, economic class, drug abuse, ect. The final chapter sums it up to being youth and while its a great point, I don't feel that's the full answer
I didn't really like Jackie brown until Tarantino did 4 of the same movie in a row set in different time periods. So Jackie brown seems ultra refreshing to me now. QTs movies have almost become parodys of themselves now. Don't worry I still like them. In fact one of those 4 is actually my favourite QT film. Well it's two, kill bill 1 and 2. I count them as one. They are also tarantinos magnum opus, encompass everything special about his films and balance each other out perfectly.
I've seen this with other auctions. Is there a reason they do not list or obscure the edition number?
So I stopped by the local shop that I mentioned who has the EB MIB figs on display. They also have a bunch of HT stuff too so I did a side by side comparison with Agent J next to Bane & Thor. Agent J towers over them. He's probably 3/4"-1" taller than Bane. The two next to eachother looked pretty odd.

It's going to be really hard to get their heights exact since it'll be impossible to space them perfectly to the 1/16 of an inch; so I think that we'll have to be open minded about that. I think that Jules being 1/2" taller wouldn't be 1000% accurate, but will be passable and very acceptable. But 3/4"-1" looks very out of scale next to eachother. I know that it's not really part of RM's repertoire to do body mods but maybe he can pull something off for this one.
I agree a body mod is in order. Rainman will likely determine this himself after an in hand height comparison if he has not already done so. But we can't assume anything such as Vince's watch.