On it. Although I thought this was fixed I guess not. Lets see what he has to say.
I have a buddy who convinced me to watch Django. Told me its amazing and better than Pulp Fiction.
I told him thats Blasphemous (Did I spell that right?)
DJango was good, but no where near Pulp Fiction in my book.
One again I am sure you Rainman-whisperers will get the watch situation fixed.
Not worried about it one bit.
As a huge Tarantino fan I feel that he hit his peak a while ago. Django, Inglorous Bastards & the Grind House stuff was good but no where near as earth shattering as his earlier stuff. I love Natural Born Killers (of course) and True Romance which he only wrote but didn't direct. Back then he could do no wrong. I think he started running out of gas 10 years ago. The Kill Bills & Jackie Brown was the end of his reign
Hang on, so you think Kill Bill and IB is just good?