Rainman Artwork project 2013 "Pulp Fiction"

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Insane!! man just 1/6 awsomeness!
Bolo Tie means hair pulled back sculpt which doesn't match with Jules.

It looks like this may be a single release 2 sculpts with extra clothing as accessories. Otherwise it's just not gonna match up with Jules, but Mia instead. This is shaping up awkward. :dunno
Holy.... :thud:

This looks like its gonna be a super grail dream set for me :panic:

I've been shouting out DX Vincent for almost a year and for the most part only heard crickets. This is unreal man

If hes doing the bolo tie, that means Vince is probably going to come with BOTH the regular suit top and the leather lapel suit top for his date with Mia. Maybe even his trench coat???

It looks like he's using that jacket as a placeholder or hint toward the raincoat. Whoever is behind this :)wink1::wink1:) please make sure RM knows that the trench is taupe and not beige like that blazer. Also he has black jeans on for the date with Mia, not pants.
Pop, your ok with Jules and Bolo Vince match?

How high was this on the Top Ten list?

I think it'll be a DX with both outfits and both sculpts. At least I'm hoping. I'd be very alright with that :D.

On the top ten? Well if Mick & Mal are #1 these guys are somewhere in the top 4 with Bickle and a couple others. Yea. Dream set
No, I mean what where these ranked on Army's compiled list? were they top 10? I forget.

I'm not so sure about that DX two sculpts. I think we're just getting ponytail Vince
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DXtras: ponytail head, coat, jacket & bolo tie?

Yup. + black jeans + peace sign dance hands + Jack Rabbit Slim's menu + $5 milk shake + adrenalin shot + madman + .....:monkey3

No, I mean what where these ranked on Army's compiled list? were they top 10? I forget.

I'm not so sure about that DX two sculpts. I think we're just getting ponytail Vince

I don't remember if they made the first one but I'm pretty sure they weren't on the second. That second one was a bit short lived tho
No but really I think that Vince's full two outfit work up is a lot to fit in one DX. The best way to handle Vince is a standard fullest and a separate H&C set. Standard full set could be Bret's apartment (loose hair sculpt) and all the appropriate accessories. H&C could be Mia date outfit (pony tail sculpt) and all those appropriate accessories. Or vice versa
You need two headsculpts though, Ponytail and Loose? One full figure and one H&C with a totally different sculpt? Might be getting our hopes up to high.
I mean that's what goes with those two different outfits :dunno

And that's Vince's gun in that WIP not Jules'. We never saw Vince's gun on the date with Mia
Bolo Vince, Mia, Jules.

I bet Rainman is going to do an interchangeable hair system for Vince. Watch
I don't honk that Hec has anything to do with this aside from starting the thread. I think he said he wasn't even interested in coping these

He did it with Narrator, my fav figure and before there was this DX stuff, and with a magnetic head swap ta boot.

This is true. Tyler V2 also. This is a bit heavier if he included everything than those guys were but yea, it's possible. I'd be all over that