Rainman Artwork project 2013 "Pulp Fiction"

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Pop posted some really good screencaps of the nugget jewelry, maybe we can bump those. We just need some briefcase info and the wallet. But we gotta be careful with the wallet because alot of those wallets were made as a novelty item for the public so our best bet for accuracy would be the actual screencap. I'm sure Rainman is already aware of this though.

I have the accurate info on jules beach outfit too. The Tshirt graphic perfectly clear. I have a great pic of the brass dial lock on the briefcase. It has some engraved wording on it. Would be a great extra detail for the briefcase.

The dork outfit blue short pants on Vince is missing the logo on the bottom left. Minor nitpick, but Im all for accuracy if it's doable.

Here's some info on the briefcase which might be useful:


Brand of the briefcase is Franzen. I hope rainman can put the |6|6|6| combination number on the briefcase as that's a pretty important detail.
Hello~~ Thank you~
it was soldout quickly.
may be you could available full set.
because someone couldn't pay even bought.
it will be cancle after 3 day.
so keep the quatity of my site.

H+C set will be open at 6th March.
Aeon will paint tomorrow. and i have to receive the photo.
H+c set ---> 6th March PM8:00

Thank you again~

Thanks RM and congrats on your fast sellout. I had the order in my cart and even selected a payment type and then it bounced. Hopefully there won't be a problem with the H+C. Great art piece.
Missed it, but oh well...

My Doc Holliday's a full set painted by Rainman, but it sounds like Aeon does a stand up job so I should be content with the head/clothing set. :)
congrats Wake, AJK, yodasan and Pajji

Just went back and caught up. CONGRATS BOYS! Nice score and CONGRATS RAINMAN!

I am alittle disappointed that he didn't split the sets a usual. 4 for general sale??? :(. Maybe he should have went for 40 on this one

Like everyone said including The Man himself, keep an eye on the site. With the new 3 day rule there will definitely be some resurfacing.


Here's a bunch if stuff that I posted waaay back on page 19....Seems like yesterday ;)

I know things changed since then but there are still some decent reference pics there so I'll just bump most of it

Here’s some details that I wanted to point out and some accessory suggestions. They’re just my humble suggestions and I think these are all thing that would help people see the value in Rainman doing a pair of characters that many people think are easily bashable. The key to build this set up with features that aren’t easily accessible on the market, and do mods that also aren’t simple 123 homemade things. If Rainman could replicate their proper heights and physiques and of course include screen accurate accessories that aren’t readily available, this set will be beyond what most people could bash.

There is an obvious difference in height and build between Jules and Vince. I’m sure that Rainman is well aware of all of this but I still wanted to throw it out there. Jules is obviously thinner and taller than Vince. I doubt that there are still Narrow bodies available, so I’m assuming that he’d go with the improved knock-off. I hate to say it but the knock-offs were slightly thinner than the TTM18 that they were copying which is actually pretty perfect for Jules. Plus they made an Afro American version of the KO (Iminime used it for Somerset).

So my suggestion is an TTM21 for Vince with a proper fat suit. Jules would benefit from a Narrow style body with long foot pegs. The long foot pegs may give Jules 1/8 of an inch too much. If there is another way to mod his height to get it more accurate that would be better. But if the foot pegs are the only answer than I don’t think that it’s the end of the world (I have this set up for my Se7en dudes and they look awesome side by side) The most important part of the height and weight difference is the suits will have to be tailored respectively. Custom sized suits are not available on the market







The Nick Fury long foot pegs are the only ones with the right skin tone that I'm aware of. Skin tone aside, both T-800, all Caps, and the DX12 have the same size long pegs


I think ashkanls was going to do some casts of those pegs, as well.

I really hope Rainman continues to use Aeon. Iminime and Aeon are both fantastic, and both are significant improvements over DF Studios (which is no slouch itself).
Whoops forgot this one


Jules' Jewels:

Jules' bracelet and ring are visible in every scene that he's in





Big Kahuna Drink:





I think ashkanls was going to do some casts of those pegs, as well.

I really hope Rainman continues to use Aeon. Iminime and Aeon are both fantastic, and both are significant improvements over DF Studios (which is no slouch itself).

Will a cast be durable? I feel like resin will crack with a lot of reposing. But if it can hold up then that would be a really good option.

I'm still trying to figure out if Vince is padded up. No one is answering but this is a big concern. Especially for the dork clothes fans. If they're not made for a bigger body or room for padding then those will really look odd on skinny Vince.

And hell yea Aeon & Iminime give great paint :D
He's done a lot of those sorts of things for the Deadpool customs, but I haven't had any in-hand.

I'll probably wait on the body until I let others figure it out just like they did with Anton :D