Rainman Artwork project 2013 "Pulp Fiction"

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Modding the existing feet will be easiest I think, the whole ankle area needs attention. It's more work, but I could sculpt and cast up a pair (I've already bare feet) if I go with the Perseus legs.
So you are not going the fullset route then?

I meant the sandals actually, but yeah havent really thought bout how the sandals will fit on the TT feet
The sandals need to be sculpted as part of the foot and fitted to a particular ankle joint like the Perseus ones since you want to keep the articulation point. They obviously wouldn't look right on standard TT pegs.
The sandals need to be sculpted as part of the foot and fitted to a particular ankle joint like the Perseus ones since you want to keep the articulation point. They obviously wouldn't look right on standard TT pegs.

Thanks for confirming, seems like the dork outfit would stay inside the box for me. :lol
Have you tried talking to Rainman yet?

I've shared my opinions about a couple of other things with this release already plus I have my own issue with a defective Anton jacket. I know he's already stressed with how screwy everything got here so I didn''t want to get on his nerves. I kept bringing this up here hoping that others would pick up the slack for me

I've received confirmation from rainman that this option is being discussed with his tailor. :rock

Does anyone know how many painted H+C will be available? Really don't want to miss out this time. Also want to pick up the shorts set.
The body for Vince is the easy part. A TTM21 with more padding than Anton does the trick. Jules is the problem. As far as stuff that's on the market in "abundance" really there are only two choices that would fit Jules (in his suit); and I think this first one isn't really a fit.

IDK anything about it but the new ZCWO looks like a Slim. I really think that this will end up being too skinny it may also be too short.


I know people are gonna want to kill me for saying this but the new generation African American KO may honestly be the best choice. If they are still taller than the official True Types that would be perfect too and not require long foot pegs. Also the joints are supposed to be tighter and the hands are compatible now with HT. I have the ver.1 that Iminime included with Somerset. If the V2 is all around improved than I think this may be the best fit.


You would think that the slim respects his physique better but like Hydeous said about Serang's Jimi, he doesn't look muscular on a 21. It's deceiving when you look at just the nude 1/6 body. Things change once you put clothes on them. The physique of the Narrow is actually perfect for Jules because it still looks VERY skinny with clothes on it's taller than the Slim builds.
The body for Vince is the easy part. A TTM21 with more padding than Anton does the trick. Jules is the problem. As far as stuff that's on the market in "abundance" really there are only two choices that would fit Jules (in his suit); and I think this first one isn't really a fit.

IDK anything about it but the new ZCWO looks like a Slim. I really think that this will end up being too skinny it may also be too short.


I know people are gonna want to kill me for saying this but the new generation African American KO may honestly be the best choice. If they are still taller than the official True Types that would be perfect too and not require long foot pegs. Also the joints are supposed to be tighter and the hands are compatible now with HT. I have the ver.1 that Iminime included with Somerset. If the V2 is all around improved than I think this may be the best fit.


You would think that the slim respects his physique better but like Hydeous said about Serang's Jimi, he doesn't look muscular on a 21. It's deceiving when you look at just the nude 1/6 body. Things change once you put clothes on them. The physique of the Narrow is actually perfect for Jules because it still looks VERY skinny with clothes on it's taller than the Slim builds.

I think body wise for Jules I'd prefer a Caucasian TTM-21 over one of the black knock offs. I know its the wrong colour but hear me out. Because of the nature of the outfit all Rainman would have to do is paint the hands and we'd get the fit, articulation and quality we are used to when dropping $800+ on a figure. We as the buyers could then swap it out for a TTM-15 or Nick Fury body if we so wish but we've still got our moneys worth with the original True Type being included with the FS Jules. It's not like any of us couldn't do with another True Type floating about there not hard to put to good use.

Either that or go with the KO but drop $40-50 off the price
@ Bullet

I like the idea of something official being included so we get our $$$ worth and then we have the option to swap it out on our own; definitely never hurts to have a spare TT around. I'm just concerned with the physique of the 21 and similar (15, 16, Nick Fury, etc.)

You know that you and I were the 2 biggest KO bashers in the Iminime threads; so you know how I feel about them. But I have to say while there is still a slight noticeable difference, the V2 upgraded KO's are not horrible like the V1s. RM used them on Plainview and I was the only one complaining; really more over principal than anything else and I was concerned that it was going to be a new standard. It just ended up being a gap filler as most suspected but the point is no one else minded. The quality really isn't bad and we can use the HT hands of our choice.

If too would love to see a price decrease for that but wouldn’t mind if it helped squeeze in another accessory for the standard price :monkey3
The body for Vince is the easy part. A TTM21 with more padding than Anton does the trick. Jules is the problem. As far as stuff that's on the market in "abundance" really there are only two choices that would fit Jules (in his suit); and I think this first one isn't really a fit.

IDK anything about it but the new ZCWO looks like a Slim. I really think that this will end up being too skinny it may also be too short.


I know people are gonna want to kill me for saying this but the new generation African American KO may honestly be the best choice. If they are still taller than the official True Types that would be perfect too and not require long foot pegs. Also the joints are supposed to be tighter and the hands are compatible now with HT. I have the ver.1 that Iminime included with Somerset. If the V2 is all around improved than I think this may be the best fit.


You would think that the slim respects his physique better but like Hydeous said about Serang's Jimi, he doesn't look muscular on a 21. It's deceiving when you look at just the nude 1/6 body. Things change once you put clothes on them. The physique of the Narrow is actually perfect for Jules because it still looks VERY skinny with clothes on it's taller than the Slim builds.

Someone needs to email this to Rainman.
@ Bullet

I like the idea of something official being included so we get our $$$ worth and then we have the option to swap it out on our own; definitely never hurts to have a spare TT around. I'm just concerned with the physique of the 21 and similar (15, 16, Nick Fury, etc.)

You know that you and I were the 2 biggest KO bashers in the Iminime threads; so you know how I feel about them. But I have to say while there is still a slight noticeable difference, the V2 upgraded KO's are not horrible like the V1s. RM used them on Plainview and I was the only one complaining; really more over principal than anything else and I was concerned that it was going to be a new standard. It just ended up being a gap filler as most suspected but the point is no one else minded. The quality really isn't bad and we can use the HT hands of our choice.

If too would love to see a price decrease for that but wouldn’t mind if it helped squeeze in another accessory for the standard price :monkey3

If indeed the KO was the way RM chose to go I'd be down for putting the additional paid toward another small accessory :) perhaps the BK stuff? :)

I really really dislike to KO TT's (I'm sure nobody had noticed yet so thought I'd put it out there ;)). I'll be honest I have had no experience with the V3 KO bodies to my knowledge but I have had a chance to play around with some of the V2's that have come with my Iminime purchases and you are right they are a drastic improvement on V1 but there are still light years behind the real deal.

I guess what your saying about principal can apply to this for me also I am simply not happy with having to deal with a $20 dollar fake body from eBay on a purchase of this magnitude. It's all about the quality guys lets keep every aspect as high end as we can. It's gotta be the real deal for me however I am also realistic and I realise that for Jules we need something a bit different and what we need is just not out there, especially not in the numbers RM needs to source in order to do the 35 FS's. So in my mind I think to get Jules perfect were gonna need to frankenstein a body for him and its gonna have to be done after the event as RM cannot be expected to do it for us.

I think the physique on the TTM-21/TTM-15 would do the job (no padding required) providing long foot pegs where used. But then we are back to the fact its the wrong colour which really doesn't bother me (for the reasons listed above). My intention would be to swap out for a TTM-15 with long foot pegs. I'd just be happier knowing I got an original with my FS I could use elsewhere.
I think we all know this, but I just wanted point out that Jules' suit is much different than Vince! Jules suit has a sheen to it with a softer almost silky flow. I hope Rainman picks up on this and pics the right material. Here's a pic of the actual suit.
It's gotta be soft and it has to have sheen to it.


Lot Description
Miramax, 1994
A black Perry Ellis suit consisting of a single-breasted blazer with a two button front closure and a pair of matching pleated slacks that Samuel L. Jackson wore as he portrayed the "spiritual" hitman Jules Winnifield in Quentin Tarrantino's cult film. Included is a photocopied "Pulp Fiction" shooting schedule, twelve German lobby cards from the film and a color still showing Jackson wearing the suit as he stands next to John Travolta which both stars signed.
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MIB bodies are too tall.

This is why God created power tools. :wave

And full of QC issues from what I've heard

Most I heard were people turning the elbow the wrong way under the clothes and snapping it off. We'll see how it goes. I certainly am not going to use it stock.

I think body wise for Jules I'd prefer a Caucasian TTM-21 over one of the black knock offs. I know its the wrong colour but hear me out. Because of the nature of the outfit all Rainman would have to do is paint the hands and we'd get the fit, articulation and quality we are used to when dropping $800+ on a figure. We as the buyers could then swap it out for a TTM-15 or Nick Fury body if we so wish but we've still got our moneys worth with the original True Type being included with the FS Jules. It's not like any of us couldn't do with another True Type floating about there not hard to put to good use.

Either that or go with the KO but drop $40-50 off the price

I agree. Though casting and painting hands isn't ideal, it may be the way he needs to go and those extra hands all count as additional accessories. Maybe he can just get KO or HT black hands used with a TTM-21.
Hey guys, i'm a bit confused. On the product page itself it says 7 days for payment. I PMed Rainman on FB but have yet to receive a response.