Calm down everybody
Calm down everybody
Hmm, if DX really is Jack and Danny, then I'm tempted to go Jack and the twins. Over $1,200 just for the bike and Danny?
I don't think a dude talking about dressing grown men up as twins and hookers and mail order brides counts as discussing pros and cons. I'm not surprised it's coming from Lakhota though, 90% of what he posts is offensive or distasteful. It is a lot of money but it's a lot of work too. This is a job, a business that he uses to make a living.
Hahah what? Who said he can't make a profit haha, no one said that anywhere. And why can't there be dissecting? Who is it hurting if the price is already established, why can't we talk about our thoughts on it? So people can dissect his WIP Photos and nit pick every detail but price is off limits? Where was this talk about his amount of work sculpting certain details that people wanted changed?
What! Who said anything about hookers? We are just having a laugh, every post doesn't have to be so serious. When Turbo goes on about something he's nitpicking, when we have a laugh were disrespectful, I guess I don't understand the proper etiquette of RM forums . Obviously if we are talking in this thread where excited and we are customers buying the product. I bet Lee has a sense of humor also.
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That does seem surprisingly high... Danny looks like a pretty complicated figure, but it's still hard to equate smaller figure as having an equal value to a larger one. Kind of like the Hobbit's being a tough sell in the Sideshow LOTR line; $70 really wasn't a bad price when you considered how much they came with and it being a new body. But a shorter figure makes you feel like you're getting less
I was hopeful for the whole kit and kaboodle for being around $2000 total... but $2700 is definitely out of my range and/or love of the movie. So I might get a FS, or one of the lesser options. At the very least I do want that sculpt as it completely destroys the Subway version.
What! Who said anything about hookers? We are just having a laugh, every post doesn't have to be so serious. When Turbo goes on about something he's nitpicking, when we have a laugh were disrespectful, I guess I don't understand the proper etiquette of RM forums . Obviously if we are talking in this thread where excited and we are customers buying the product. I bet Lee has a sense of humor also.
I guess we can sit here and discuss and dissect an ARTIST'S WORK but we can't discuss and dissect that artist's price haha, you'd think the artist would care more about people dissecting his work/talent then his pricing.
I was in the process of giving some insight to the prices when my computer crashed. Ill write it again if people care, but if not, I won't waste my time.
I was in the process of giving some insight to the prices when my computer crashed. Ill write it again if people care, but if not, I won't waste my time.