But there would be still /20 grand sets and still /50 DX sets and still /35 twin sets sold for example... You will still get a COA with YOUR choice of purchase numbered.I can't wait to see the edition size on thisGonna be a lot of Torrance Love.
Also @Darthmagnus, will you ask Rainman to issue COA's with all the appropriate information for the edition size of the Grand Package but also how many Jacks, Twins, and Danny with trikes were individually made.
So for a hypothetical example if 70 Grand packages are made than I would expect to see somthing on the COA like 16/70 to determine the size of how many grand packages were sold but surely 70 is not an accurate count of how many twins were made right? Since this such a large project and an open ended one with only 24hours being the cap can he also include information about how many Jacks, Twins, Danny were made individually as well otherwise there will be no real way to authentic the final edition size and a COA would be kind of pointless no? We would have to round up every COA from Grand to Full set to do that and that's impossible.
So for a release that's as big an offering as this one it would be very helpful for collectors who enjoy knowing the edition sizes to get a Numbered COA of the final tally of their particular set whether it be Grand, DX or Full since these are all painted by Rainman.
But also some information on the final tally of Jacks, Danny's, Trikes, and twins made individually.
This is somthing very important to consider.
I don't see the point in getting that, but it also saying 70 trikes were made??? It kinda doesn't matter to your set purchased...
Interested to know the end results as far as orders for each set though. That makes sense to know how the sales went and what was the most popular!