If Milkshake Man is anything to go by, then this will be another home run![]()
I understand what you mean Teddy, but it seems RM has DDL on lock. I am interested in seeing what he does with a brand new face with different dimensions like Anton.
Just hoping he takes his time and doesn't rush through it.
I'll wait as long as it take just as long as it means he will nail the HS.
For some reason I think Anton lends himself to the style of Rainman.
yeah the plainview sculpt is really taken to the next level. guess it's not fair for me to compare exactly as the eagle eyes i managed to get my hands on turned out to be recasts but the plainview is so well detailed.
i'm betting he knocks anton out of the park. think he's in rare form at the moment; his Black jack looks dope (i cant wait to get it in hand), and i dig his chow yun fat Mark from 'a better tomorrow' too.
For some reason I don't think rainmans style is going to gel with this however, I am hoping to be proven wrong.
Have not seen plainview in hand but from the pics I have seen, the likeness cannot compare to Bills. Agree with PCK that it is his masterpiece.
Would love a Llewelyn Moss to display with him also but imagine I'm in the minority there.
I am happy for all the TWBB fans that got their wish and were able to acquire a dream figure.
I left watching the movie like I was unprepared. Like I missed out on certain information before going in to watch the movie. Information that could have made the beginning, middle, and end of this movie more enjoyable. I like the structure of the movie and the way the story was told, but the story in itself was very boring. Guy is dedicated to succeed at all costs. Got it!
DDL was awesome in GONY and I cannot see how Plainview could be put in the same sentence as The Butcher's character. This of course is only my opinion. What am I missing guys? Can someone please enlighten me? (without blasting or insulting me please. thank you)
We haven't received much news from RM, which to me, is very good news. I can't wait to see that first WIP![]()
For me it isn't just the character that made me go after this figure so much. It is the whole feeling of the movie, and PTA as a filmmaker in general. Additionally, my connection with the west and the history that took place out there (born and raised, and my focus/majors in schools) makes me connect with it personally. My other favorite movies (2001, Alien, Man Who Fell to Earth among them) all have the same feeling and this film pushes that to incredible heights for me.